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Iran Tests Qaher F-313 Fighter Jet, Unveils Defense Achievements

Saturday 15 April 2017
Iran Tests Qaher F-313 Fighter Jet, Unveils Defense Achievements

Alwaght-Iran has unveiled some defense achievements including Qaher F-313 fighter jet, missiles, helicopters, drones and a battle tank.

The achievements were displayed during an exhibition at the Iranian Helicopter Support and Renewal Company (IHSRC) in Tehran on Saturday.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani paid a visit to the exhibition. During his visit, a number of defense achievements were unveiled, among them Iran’s first domestically-made training jet, named Kowsar. Speaking during the event, President Rouhani said Iran’s exports of defense equipment have jumped by 227 percent since 2013 when he took office.

President Rouhani went on to say that the Islamic Republic will never ask for permission from anybody to boost its armed forces’ capabilities and produce missiles and aircraft adding that, “We have always declared that strengthening the defense capability of Iran’s armed forces is only meant for defending our country and will never be used against other countries.”

A tactical drone dubbed Mohajer-6, the Nasir anti-ship cruise missile, Fakur air-to-air missile and Karrar battle tank were also put on display.

Speaking during the ceremony, Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy is going to take delivery of a large cargo of Nasir, a cruise missile developed by Iranian experts for naval battles.

Karrar battle tank, which is now being assembled, has advanced firepower, precision, mobility, and battleground endurance comparable to the most state-of-the art of its kind in the world.

Some of the tank’s features include its electro-optical fire control system, laser-aided distance measurement capability with capability to strike moving or fixed targets during the day or nighttime.

Mojaher-6  drone is capable of carrying reconnaissance, patrol and combat operations. With its high flight endurance, the drone can hit targets when armed with missiles. It can take off from short runways and can take images both in day and night.

Fakur missile, meanwhile, can be mounted on fighter jets. According to the defense minister, the operational capabilities of the country’s Air Force will remarkably grow once the homegrown air-to-air missile comes to service.

During the event which is part of ceremonies marking Islamic Republic of Iran's National Army Day on 18 April (29 Farvardin), the Qaher (Conqueror) F-313 fighter jet was tested for taxiing.

Qaher F-313, produced wholly by Iranian aviation experts, was first unveiled in February 2013. The single-seat stealth fighter jet can take off and land on short runways.

Brigadier General Dehqan said the production of the Qaher F-313 and Kowsar training jets was “a prelude to the production of heavy aircraft.” He further announced plans to domestically manufacture heavy jet engines.

According to Brigadier General Dehqan, apart from application in pilot training courses, Kowsar, can be used for aerial support missions in short distances, and can also carry various weapons.

Twenty helicopters heavily retrofitted were also unveiled and handed over to the Armed Forces during the ceremony.  Iranian produced Saba 248 helicopter was also on display during the exhibition. This helicopter is as a medium-weight, double-engine, quad rotor aircraft, capable of carrying eight occupants. It can be used as a means of shipment, aerotaxi, or to carry out imaging and reconnaissance operations. Saba 248 can also be used as an air ambulance or to perform other relief and rescue functions.

Meanwhile, Iranian Army Airborne Commander General Yousef Qorbani announced that the country's helicopters are being equipped with night vision systems.

"The night vision systems are being mounted on helicopters and we will have night flights," General Qorbani told reporters in a press conference in Tehran on Saturday.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to the regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.

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Iran Defense Qaher F-313 Drone Kousar Karrar Tank Nasir

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