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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Thousands Protest in London in Solidarity with Gaza, Demand Truce

Sunday 18 February 2024
Thousands Protest in London in Solidarity with Gaza, Demand Truce

Alwaght- Thousands protested in London for the nineteenth consecutive week in solidarity of Gaza, condemning the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza and demanding a lasting truce in the blockaded Palestinian enclave. 

IRNA reporter from in London said that participants from various nationalities and religions once again took to the streets of the British capital, calling for justice, an end to apartheid, as well as an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. 

They initially descended on the Marble Arch Square in central London and then marched towards the Israeli embassy, reported IRNA. 

The demonstrators also called for an end to British arms deliveries to the Zionist regime and the expulsion of the regime's ambassador from London.

While carrying Palestinian flags, they held banners with messages such as “Stop the Occupation”, “Free Palestine,” and "Establish a Ceasefire.”

Participants vowed to continue their weekly protests as long as the massacre of the oppressed and defenseless Palestinian people continues in Gaza.

Ben Jamal, the director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, told IRNA that Palestinian supporters will gather in front of parliament on Election Day to put pressure on British lawmakers.

He considered the British general elections, scheduled to be held later this year, as an opportunity to exert pressure on parliament.

“We demand our representatives support the immediate ceasefire proposal, otherwise we will not vote for them,” he noted.

The British government deployed thousands of police forces from across the country to London as gathering began.

Sky News reported that twelve people have been arrested at the march in central London.

The Metropolitan Police alleged the arrests were for placard-related offences, assaults on officers and refusal to remove face coverings.

The British government has thrown its full support to Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Less than two weeks after Gaza war started, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak traveled to the occupied territories and voiced full support to Tel Aviv.

London also joined a naval alliance with Washington that launched airstrikes in Yemen for the latter imposing a ban on Israeli ships and ports in support of Gaza. 

The British government also assisted US-led airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against resistance groups acting against Israel war. 

The country was among the first Western states to send warship to assure Israel of support.

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Britain Protests Gaza War Israel London

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