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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


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A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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US Green Lights Vicious Israeli Strikes against Palestinians in Gaza: Hamas Chief

Saturday 4 November 2023
US Green Lights Vicious Israeli Strikes against Palestinians in Gaza: Hamas Chief

Alwaght- The chairman of the political bureau of Hamas resistance movement condemned the unconditional support for Israel's military campaign against the Gaza Strip, stating that the occupying regime has the carte blanche for its vicious attacks on Palestinians in the besieged coastal sliver.

Ismail Haniyeh denounced the latest meeting between United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli leaders, as Israel intensified its bombing of the Palestinian territory, hitting hospitals, ambulances and civilians fleeing to safety, stating that the White House has given the green light to the Zionist regime to press ahead with its atrocities.

“The massacres being committed by the Zionist regime are a clear manifestation of the quagmire that the occupying regime and its ground forces are bogged down in,” the Hamas leader said.

Haniyeh also called on Arab and Muslim nations as well as freedom-loving people of the world to vociferously express their outrage over the mass killings of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli forces.

He asked Egyptian authorities to fully reopen the Rafah border crossing in line with their responsibility towards residents of the Gaza Strip, so that all humanitarian aid and basic commodities can enter the territory.

“The resistance will mightily continue to defend the Palestinian nation. Occupiers will never have a place in our land,” Haniyeh noted.

The head of the political bureau of Hamas also underlined the need for complete cessation of Israeli attacks and the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, urging the international community to perform its humane, moral and political duties and stop the Zionist regime’s war crimes.

Hamas: Israel perpetrating heinous crimes against Gazans every single hour

Meanwhile, Hamas said in a statement that the occupying Tel Aviv regime is committing heinous crimes every single hour against defenseless residents of the Gaza Strip.

The resistance group condemned in the strongest terms the death and injury of dozens of Palestinians on Friday, when Israeli forces bombed a school affiliated with the UN agency for Palestinian refugees or UNRWA in the al-Saftawi area north of Gaza City. The school shelters thousands of displaced people.

“We hold the US administration, President [Joe] Biden in particular, fully responsible for the ongoing massacres as his overt support has emboldened Israel and given it the green light to commit a genocidal war against vulnerable people in the besieged enclave,” Hamas noted in the statement.

WHO chief utterly shocked by Israeli strike on ambulances in Gaza

Moreover, World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he was “utterly shocked” by the Israeli strike that targeted ambulances near al-Shifa hospital in Gaza on Friday.

He reiterated that patients, health workers, facilities, and ambulances must be protected at all times.

The death toll from Israel’s genocidal attacks on the Gaza Strip has reached at least 9,227 people, including 3,826 children and more than 2,405 women. At least 23,516 people have been wounded as well.

The Tel Aviv regime launched the war after Gaza's resistance groups conducted Operation al-Aqsa Storm, their biggest operation against the occupying entity in years.

Since the onset of the war, the US has backed Tel Aviv's ferocious attacks on the Palestinian territory as a means of "self-defense."

Washington has also been casting its veto against the United Nations Security Council resolution that calls on the occupying regime to cease its aggression.

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US Green Light Israel Crimes Gaza Hamas

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