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Martyr Badreddine Killing by Takfiris Strengthens Hezbollah’s Resolve

Saturday 14 May 2016
Martyr Badreddine Killing by Takfiris Strengthens Hezbollah’s Resolve

Alwaght- Lebanese Resistance Movement, Hezbollah, has announced that its senior commander Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine was killed by Takfiri in Syria adding that the martyrdom has strengthened the resolve to combat terrorists.

In a statement on Saturday, Hezbollah said in a statement that the explosion “which targeted one of our positions near the Damascus International Airport and led to the martyrdom of Sayyed Zulfikar (Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine), was caused by an artillery bombardment carried out by Takfiri groups stationed in the region.”

“The outcome of the investigation will only increase our determination and will to continue the fight against these criminal gangs and deal them a mighty blow so that we fulfill the martyr’s wishes and advices to his Mujahidin brothers,” Hezbollah stated.

In all cases, the statement continued, it is a single battle against the American-Zionist project in the region, which terrorist Takfiris represent its spearhead thus practicing its aggression over the Ummah (nation) and its resistance, Mujahideen, sanctuaries  and its free, honest peoples.

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem had promised yesterday that the party would announce in few hours all the details of the explosion that claimed martyr Badreddine’s life.

In a statement early on Friday, Hezbollah said that a huge blast hit one of the resistance centers near Damascus airport but added an investigation committee was conducting an investigation to verify the nature of the explosion.

Sheikh Qassem confirmed at martyr Badreddine’s funeral in Beirut’s southern suburbs Hezbollah’s determination to continue the fight against the Zionist enemy and its allies, saying the Zionist entity and the Takfiris received painful blows in the past few years and any of them may be involved in the attack.

Hezbollah fighters are combating alongside the Syrian government forces against a range of terrorist groups operating in the war-torn Arab country, including Daesh and the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front.

On Friday, Hezbollah announced Badreddine's death and held a military funeral for him in southern Beirut.

The 55-year-old Hezbollah commander led Hezbollah's military wing which is helping the Syrian government drive out foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists from Syria.

Badreddine also directed military operations against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and was a frequent target of attempts by Tel Aviv, Washington and its allies to assassinate or capture him.

He was the cousin and brother-in-law of top Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated by Israel in 2008.

Meanwhile, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan says the blood of the resistance front’s fighters will certainly wash away terrorism in the Middle East.

In a Saturday message to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement, Dehqan expressed his condolences over the assassination of Hezbollah's military chief Mustafa Badreddine during his anti-terrorism mission in Syria.

“Undoubtedly, the blood of Mustafa Badreddine and other martyrs of the resistance front spilled in the battle against the Zionist regime [of Israel] and ISIS mercenaries will uproot terrorism in the region,” the Iranian defense minister said.

He added that unity, cohesion and sacrifices of the resistance front have sped up the collapse of the Daesh Takfiri group.

Dehqan said supporters of ISISTakfiris, led by the US, Israel and certain regional regimes which are betraying Muslim nations, are witnessing the failure of their malicious plots and seek to prevent the defeat of terrorism.

Elsewhere Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said the death of Hezbollah's military chief will certainly stiffen the Lebanese resistance movement’s determination to fight the Israeli regime and terrorism.

In a message to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday, Zarif expressed the Islamic Republic's condolences on the killing of Mustafa Badreddine by the Israeli regime.

The Iranian minister said Badreddine was "all passion and devotion" in defending the ideals of Islam and the resistant Lebanese people and in fighting terrorism.

In a related development, a senior adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that the blood of martyrs will draw anti-Israel resistance closer to victory.

“Undoubtedly, the blood of martyrs of resistance [front] against the Zionist regime [of Israel], the US as well as extremist, Takfiri and terrorist movements in the region will draw the resistance front closer to victory,” Ali Akbar Velayati said in a message of condolences to Nasrallah.

Velayati, who is the Leader’s adviser on international affairs, added that Badreddine’s death would boost determination of fighters in their campaign against ill-wishers and those who are hatching plots, particularly the Israeli regime.

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Mustafa Badreddine Hezbollah Syria resistance takfiri terrorists

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