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Chemical Weapons Probes Can Expose Western Plots against Syria

Wednesday 7 December 2022
Chemical Weapons Probes Can Expose Western Plots against Syria

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Alwaght- The UN and its sunsets that for a decade along with the Western-Arab-Israeli triangle backed the Syrian opposition and terrorists fighting the Syrian government now admitted they found documents that show the ISIS terrorist group was the party that used chemical weapons in the past years. 

UN experts said they have cited digital evidence and witness evidence that all confirm the use of chemical weapons by the terrorist group in Iraq between 2014 and 2019. The UN investigation team confirmed that ISIS had produced and used rockets, chemical mortars, chemical ammunition for rockets, chemical warheads, and homemade chemical bombs. The report specifically mentions the ISIS attack on Tuz Khurma town in Kirkuk province on March 8, 2016. 

This report is while the Iraqi government in July 2014, when ISIS occupied many western regions of the country, confirmed in a report that a center related to the country’s former chemical weapons program had fallen into the hands of terrorists and expressed concern about this issue.

In the past years, the issue of using banned weapons, especially chemical weapons, has been very controversial and at times it became a tool for the propaganda campaigns and the political pressure of the Westerners on the Syrian government. The UN has not submitted a report on the use of unconventional weapons by the terrorists so far, but now that the crimes of ISIS have been exposed to everyone, it had to disclose some realities. 

Scenario of chemical weapons use in Syria 

The UN has confirmed the use of chemical weapons by ISIS in Iraq while it refuses to prepare such reports in Syria. This is while ISIS was present in Syria before it rose in Iraq and occupied the border areas of the two countries and could easily move such weapons between the two countries and there are reports published by Moscow and Damascus that disclosed the use of chemical weapons by terrorists. A number of chemical attacks in Syria may have been carried out by ISIS, but since dozens of terrorist groups were present in the Syrian provinces at the same time, it is difficult to confirm which one was behind the attacks and this requires a comprehensive investigation. 

The use of chemical weapons is not limited to ISIS, and other Takfiri groups have also committed these crimes many times. Terrorist groups based in Syria have committed such crimes in different regions in the past years, but the UN has always accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons instead of the Takfiris under the pressure of the Americans and Europeans. Even when all Syrian chemical weapons were removed from the country under the UN supervision in 2013, accusations against the Syrian government continued. 

In October 2013, a year after outbreak of conflict, the UN inspectors reported that from the seven areas they inspected, in five areas, chemical weapons were used. Ghouta, Khan Ersal, Juber, Sargheb, and Ashrafia were areas in which these weapons were used, but the UN report did not specify which party, the government or the terrorists, used them. The ambiguity of reports paved the way for backers of terrorists to point the fingers at the Syrian government. Even former US President Barack Obama planned to attack Syria with the help of NATO in September 2013 under the pretext that the Syrian government was attacking terrorists and civilians with chemical weapons, but he eventually abandoned this plan as Damascus agreed to hand over its chemical weapons. 

In another report, the UN claimed that the Syrian government used chlorine gas chemical weapons in the attacks on Idlib city in March 2016, and this substance was embedded in barrel bombs. In 2017, the UN claimed that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against armed groups in Khan Sheikhoun. In April 2018, when the use of chemical weapons in the Duma city in the Damascus suburbs was raised by the Western powers, Bashar al-Jaafari, the permanent representative of Syria to the UN, stressed that his country would not accept any results published by the investigation team of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons regarding the incident in Duma, adding: “Some countries are trying to repeat what happened in Iraq and find excuses with the aim of starting an aggression against Syria, but we do not allow the falsification of reality.” 

In Syrian crisis, the UN has always tried to take the Western-backed terrorists’ side, and this is why it does not admit crimes by the terrorist groups— a behavior drawing strong-toned reaction from Damascus. Syria’s deputy UN envoy during a meeting of the Security Council on Monday, in a speech lashed out at the body’s “politically-motivated” approach to the Syrian chemical weapons case. Al-Hakam Dandi expressed strong Syrian opposition to use of chemical weapons by any side at any time and place, adding that Damascus joined the Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons voluntarily and adhered to its commitments to destroy all its chemical stockpiles and facilities and continues to work with the UN on the case. 

Although many terrorist groups have been destroyed by the Syrian government, there are still thousands of fighters from these groups in Idlib, who can still repeat scenarios and attract the world community’s attention. The Russian Center for the Reconciliation in Syria warned last month in a report about the scenario of the Al-Nusra Front terrorist group against the Syrian army and asserted that the terrorist group is planning to use toxic substances against civilians and accuse the Syrian army in a false flag attack. This is while the West and the UN, which in the past supported the foreign and moderate opponents, tried to form a government in which the opponents of Assad have a role, but now there is no news of these groups amid Arab normalization with Damascus and severance of Arab aids to them. Even Turkey as their biggest backer closed down their offices on its soil to show a good will for normalization with the Syrian government. 

The recent UN report comes as during the war, whenever the terrorists could not make advances against the government forces on the battlegrounds, they resorted to the threadbare scenario of false flag chemical attacks to provoke the international community against Damascus. Then it was disclosed that the videos showing the alleged attacks were shot based on a pre-planned scenario in association with the White Helmets, who claimed to be rescue workers of an international mission but were actually intelligence agents and militants fighting the government. 

Now, if the Syrian government and its allies launch an operation to retake Idlib as the last stronghold of the foreign-backed terrorists, a similar scenario may be on the Western table to block recapture of the province. 

A decade after terrorist groups ran unchecked in Syria and Iraq, the UN report was a belated admission that accusations against Syria for chemical weapons use were false and all the crimes were committed by the Western-backed terrorists seeking to conclude a scenario aimed at toppling President Bashar al-Assad. But all their moves met their failure and from now on, if they return to this trick, no country would believe them. 

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Chemical Weapons West ISIS Syria UN

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