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UK Resolution at UNHRC on Ghouta Supports Terrorists: Syria FM

Tuesday 6 March 2018
UK Resolution at UNHRC on Ghouta Supports Terrorists: Syria FM

Nusra Front terrorists in Syria

Syria says that the UK resolution at the UN Human Rights Council on the situation in Ghouta sends message of support to terrorists .

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Alwaght- Syria slammed the Britain-drafted resolution at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on the situation in Ghouta, saying it sends message of support to terrorists and encourages them to continue committing crimes.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry stated that Britain, on behalf of a number of states hostile towards Syria, submitted draft resolution at the UNHCR on the situation in Eastern Ghouta, in a new step showing the blatant politicization of human rights issues.

The statement noted that despite the pressure exerted by the countries that submitted the draft resolution, they failed to pass it, as 18 UNHRC member states rejected this biased, selective resolution that employees double standards in dealing with human rights, either voting against it or abstaining, which shows the division at the UNHRC in particular and the UN in general regarding the situation in Eastern Ghouta and the attempts to politicize the UN to destabilize specific countries.

Additionally, the Syrian Foreign Ministry pointed out that this resolution sends a message of support to terrorists in Eastern Ghouta, encouraging to continue targeting civilians in Damascus and its countryside and to keep holding civilians in Ghouta hostage to use them as human shields, crimes which violate UNSC resolution no. 2401.

Britain and the states allied with it that adopted the resolution even rejected suggestions by some states to demand that terrorist groups stop killing innocent civilians in Damascus and its countryside and allow civilians to exit Eastern Ghouta, preferring instead to let them be used as human shields and preventing them from leaving safely,” the statement added.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the government showed commitment to international humanitarian law and fulfilled its obligations in this regard by taking several steps, the most recent of which was approving the sending of a joint UN-ICRC aid convoy consisting of 46 trucks to Ghouta on Monday March 5th in cooperation with the SARC, in addition to providing safe corridors for civilians who want to evacuate Ghouta.

The source added that these and other efforts are hindered by the terrorist groups who carry out the instructions of their British, American, French, Saudi and Israeli masters who are panicking because of the progress made by the Syrian Arab Army against terrorists in Eastern Ghouta.

The government of the Syrian Arab Republic affirms its right to defend its citizens, fight terrorism, and confront those who practice, fund, or army it,” the statement said, asserting that such politicized and biased positions that are far removed from international law will not dissuade the Syrian government from fighting terrorism, restoring security and stability, and rebuilding what the terrorists destroyed.


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