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Millions Worldwide Hold Rallies Condemning Israeli Atrocities against Palestinians

Friday 13 October 2023
Millions Worldwide Hold Rallies Condemning Israeli Atrocities against Palestinians

Alwaght- Million around the world have organized rallies condemning ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. 

Protests have been held in several states including Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, and Jordan on Friday with more expected to unfold later in the day. They come as the Hamas resistance movement had called on people to stage rallies on Friday in support of Palestine, Iran’s Press TV reported. 

In Iran, tens of thousands of people participated in the nationwide rallies, chanting slogans in support of Palestinians and in condemnation of the United States and the apartheid Tel Aviv regime. 

The demonstrators have held pro-Palestinian banners. 

“The intricate, hybrid and heroic Operation al-Aqsa Storm dealt a fatal blow to the temporary and collapsing Zionist regime, which will be recorded in history,” Iran’s Islamic Propagation Organization said in a statement on Friday, noting that the operation marks an irreparable intelligence and military failure for the usurping Israeli regime and an epic victory of the resistance front. 

In Egypt, too, people held demonstrations after Friday Prayer. 

Egyptians have voiced support to the Palestinian resistance and called for the Israeli regime to stop its bombardment campaign in Gaza. 

“Arab and Muslim countries have the duty and the responsibility to provide urgent humanitarian aid and help to the Palestinians of Gaza”, the university of Al-Azhar, the highest institution in Sunni Islam, said in a statement.

In Iraq, people held what the CNN described as the “largest demonstration in decades” in support of Palestinian resistance. 

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis gathered on Tahrir Square in Baghdad on Friday in one of the largest pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the country in decades, according to footage on state-run television Al-Iraqiya.

People traveled from different parts of the country in what Iraqi media called a “million man march,” following a call from Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Monday to unite “in support of the Palestinian cause.”

Al-Sadr called on Iraqis to protest against “international terrorism” and the “American occupation.”

Protesters were seen waving Iraqi and Palestinian flags, burning Israeli flags and heard shouting slogans against Israel and America. 

In Bahrain, hundreds of worshippers chanted “Death to Israel!” and “Death to America!” ahead of Friday prayers at Diraz mosque. 

In Lebanon, supporters of Iran-backed Hezbollah rallied in the southern suburbs of Beirut in support of the Palestinians.

At the event, Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem, standing in front of a banner depicting Palestinian fighters and the Al-Aqsa mosque, with a Palestinian scarf on his shoulders, said Hezbollah is “fully prepared” to join its ally Hamas in the war. 

In Algeria, around 1,000 people went into the street to show solidarity with Palestinians, France 24 reported. 


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