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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Hezbollah Keeps up Anti-Israel Attacks in Solidarity with Gaza

Saturday 18 November 2023
Hezbollah Keeps up Anti-Israel Attacks in Solidarity with Gaza

Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement continued to hit Israeli military positions on Friday as part of its campaign in support of the resistance in the Gaza Strip, where more than 12,000 people have been killed in the Israeli aggression.  

The resistance movement said it successfully staged ten operations in various locations opposite the southern Lebanese border.

The movement fired missiles towards a military position facing al-Dhayrah, a town on the south Lebanon border, and said they "directly hit the target."

Hezbollah also announced in a separate statement that it had targeted a gathering of Israeli occupation soldiers near the "Marj" outpost and another gathering near the "Ramim" barracks causing direct injuries.

Hezbollah fighters targeted another gathering of Israeli soldiers near Metula using two explosive devices, causing casualties. 

A group of Israeli special forces near al-Manara were also targeted, leaving an unspecified number of injuries.

Hezbollah also targeted a tank in the vicinity of the 91st division command headquarters in Branit with the appropriate weapons, saying it was hit directly.

They also targeted six other Israeli military positions near al-Malikiyah, al-Asi, Baraka Risha, and al-Raheb.

In the meantime, the Israeli regime kept up artillery and aerial attacks against Lebanon.

The official Lebanese news agency reported that Israeli aircraft bombed the outskirts of the towns of Naqoura and Alma al-Shaab on Friday morning, as well as an airstrike targeting Wadi Hassan Kharraj and the town of Shihin in the western sector of southern Lebanon.

According to the National News Agency, Israeli aircraft also carried out a raid in the vicinity of Jal al-Alam in the eastern sector of southern Lebanon.

Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari announced that Israeli fighter jets attacked several Hezbollah targets in Lebanese territory, including what it called infrastructures, weapons storage, and military structures.

He added that the Israeli forces attacked a group of fighters on Lebanese territory in the Arab al-Aramshe area.

Hagari claimed Israel was attacking the sources of rockets fired into Israeli positions. 

The area along Lebanon’s southern border has frequently witnessed exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel since October 8, a day after Palestinian resistance forces launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against Israel.

Several Israeli settlements in the northern parts of the occupied territories have been evacuated due to Hezbollah attacks.

The fresh strikes come as Israel has widened its air and ground operations against the Gaza Strip, in what is widely viewed as a campaign of genocide.

On Saturday, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said Israel’s brutal bombardment of the Gaza Strip is aimed at crushing the will of resistance forces.

Speaking in a televised speech, Nasrallah said Israel aims to send a message to Palestinians that they’ve no option but to abandon their land and their sanctities.

He said the regime also wants to subjugate the people of Lebanon and push them to stop demanding their legitimate rights and stop resisting Israel.

However, Nasrallah said the Israeli attacks only strengthened the resolve of resistance fighters to eliminate the entity.

Hezbollah has vowed its attacks against Israel will continue until Israeli attacks on Gaza continue.

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Hezbollah Lebanon Attack Israel Gaza

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