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Moroccans Demonstrate against Israel, Burn its Flag

Saturday 10 September 2022
Moroccans Demonstrate against Israel, Burn its Flag

Alwaght- Dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators protested outside Morocco's parliament Friday against the kingdom's normalisation of ties with Israel after the latter recalled its top envoy from Rabat amid a probe, reported AFP. 

Around 100 people chanted slogans against the rapprochement between Rabat and Tel Aviv, criticising its ambassador David Govrin and Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita. 

Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported Monday that a foreign ministry delegation had been dispatched to Rabat, following sexual abuse allegations against envoy Govrin.

An Israeli diplomatic source confirmed to AFP that Govrin had been recalled while an investigation got underway, without detailing the nature of the probe. 

According to Israeli media, the envoy is facing allegations of exploiting Moroccan women, sexual harassment and indecent exposure.

"Today, we are in front of the parliament to protest against the hideous acts" allegedly committed by Govrin, said Amine Abdelhamid, a pro-Palestinian activist against normalisation between Morocco and Israel. 

"Morocco's dignity is not for sale, the normalisation must end," he said.

Protesters burned an Israeli flag at the end of the demonstration.

Rabat cut relations with Israel in 2000 following the outbreak of the second Palestinian intifada, but in 2020 Morocco followed the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in formalising ties with the Israeli government.

The US-backed deal saw Washington recognise Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara territory.

Govrin, 59, served as Israeli envoy to Cairo before being appointed ambassador to Rabat last year.

There are also claims of embezzlement and the apparent disappearance of a gift from the Moroccan monarch to celebrate Israel's foundation day.

Govrin is currently in Israel and is involved in the ongoing investigation, an Israeli diplomatic source said. 

The normalization of relations between the Israeli government and the Arab world drew strong reactions from public since 2020. People argue that a regime that systemically kills the Palestinians and deprives them from their rights cannot be trusted for ties. 


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Israel Morocco Protests Abuse Ambassador Normalization

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