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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


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Israel to Suffer More Defeats Until Final Victory Achieved: Houthi

Monday 24 May 2021
Israel to Suffer More Defeats Until Final Victory Achieved: Houthi

Alwaght- The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement said the Israeli regime will suffer more defeats against Palestinians until final victory is achieved by the resistance front.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi made the remarks in a Sunday live speech while addressing a ceremony held to inaugurate Ansarullah movement’s summer courses, which was attended by teachers and scholars.

Referring to plots hatched by the United States and Israel against Muslim nations, Houthi said, “We are facing an aggression supervised by the United States, planned by Israel and Britain, and implemented by their mercenaries.”

Elaborating on the latest round of military conflict between Israel and Palestinian resistance groups in the besieged Gaza Strip, the Ansarullah leader said, “The Israeli political circles have admitted that what happened in this round [of military conflicts] was a victory for the [Palestinian] resistance and a defeat for the Israeli enemy.”

“The Israeli enemy will suffer more defeats and setbacks, until God gives the Palestinian people and nation a decisive victory and a clear conquest to root out the criminal enemy,” he said.

Houthi added that providing continuous support for the Palestinian resistance is an important issue, “because in any round of fighting - and there will be other rounds – the enemy must be dealt stronger blows as it is now in a position of weakness.”

“It is a responsibility for the Muslim Ummah to be present in all positions to support, support and support the resistance,” he said.

The Ansarullah leader further noted that the Yemeni people are willing to play a bigger and more effective role in confronting the Israeli enemy and standing by the Palestinian people.

“We are prepared to share our meal with our brothers in Palestine and to give them precedence over ourselves, because the Yemeni people are the Ansar people.”

He added that Israel’s eleven-day aggression against Gaza resulted in Palestinians’ victory, noting that this happened despite the fact that the regime received support from the US and UK.

Houthi also slammed as an act of treason the normalization deals some Arab states have clinched with Israel in recent months, saying that such deals aimed to undermine support for the Palestinian cause, but they failed to achieve their goal.

In September last year, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed controversial normalization agreements with Israel at the White House.

With the US-brokered deals, the UAE and Bahrain became only the third and fourth Arab states to ever normalize their relations with Israel after Egypt and Jordan.

In October, Sudan’s transitional government also agreed to normalize ties with the Israeli after the United States removed the African country from its terrorism blacklist and offered it financial aid in exchange.

Morocco was the last Arab state to normalize ties with Israel after Bahrain, the UAE and Sudan.

The normalizations deals sparked outrage among the public in the Muslim world where pro-Palestine sentiment runs deep.

The deals also drew widespread condemnation from Palestinians, who seek an independent state in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital. They say the deals ignore their rights and do not serve the Palestinian cause.


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Yemen Ansarullah Houthi Israel Palestinians

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