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Israeli Regime Kills 5 Palestinians Including Pregnant Women, Toddler in Gaza

Friday 10 August 2018
Israeli Regime Kills 5 Palestinians Including Pregnant Women, Toddler in Gaza

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Alwaght- Israeli regime forces have killed five Palestinians, including a pregnant woman and her 18-month-old daughter, in the besieged Gaza strip on Friday.

Gaza health officials said  pregnant 23-year-old Inas Khammash and her 18-month daughter Bayan were killed in the Jaafari area after Israeli regime has launched 150 airstrikes on Gaza. A unnamed Palestinian man was also killed in the north of Gaza.

Earlier, Tel Aviv regime forces opened fire on Palestinian protesters taking part in March for Return rallies in the area between the occupied territories and the besieged Gaza Strip, leaving two people killed.

The Gaza Health Ministry said Abdullah al-Qotati, a young medic, was killed by Israeli fire east of the city of Khan Yunis in the southern part of the Gaza Strip on Friday.

The spokesmen for the ministry, Ashraf al-Qidra, added that Israeli forces also killed 55-year-old Ali Saeid al-Aloul east of the city of Rafah in southern Gaza.

According to the ministry, at least 170 Palestinians, including medics and journalists, were also injured during the protest.

Tensions have been running high near the fence since March 30, which marked the start of a series of protests dubbed “The Great March of Return.” Palestinian protesters demand the right to return for those driven out of their homeland.

The clashes in Gaza reached their peak on May 14, the eve of the 70th anniversary of Nakba Day, or the Day of Catastrophe, which coincided this year with Washington's relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem al-Quds.

Israeli regime forces have killed nearly 160 Palestinians since March 30. At least 15,000 Palestinians have also been injured, of whom at least 360 are reportedly in critical condition.

Hams resistance movement launched retaliatory attacks and fired rockets and mortars at Sderot and other towns occupied by Israeli regime, triggering sirens and sending civilians running for shelters.

Israeli military said that approximately 180 projectiles were fired towards the occupied territories in total overnight. The much-hyped Iron Dome aerial defense system only intercepted more than 30 of them, while most of the others landed in occupied territories, it added.

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