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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


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Saudi-Led Warplanes Bomb Yemen’s Hudaydah during Eid Prayers

Friday 15 June 2018
Saudi-Led Warplanes Bomb Yemen’s Hudaydah during Eid Prayers

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Alwaght- Saudi-led warplanes have bombed coastal areas of the Yemeni port city of Hudaydah as local residents congregated for the Eid al-Fitr prayers marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan in an open area early Friday morning.

"Many warplanes were flying low over the city during the prayers," a local resident said, according to Reuters.

Yemeni sources said the warplanes waged two strikes on Faza area, seven raids on Duraihimi district, and two airstrikes targeted Kilo-16 area.

Meanwhile, reports suggest troops loyal to Yemen's former government, under the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, are closing in on the Hudaydah airport.

Meanwhile, reports suggest troops loyal to Yemen's former government, under the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, are closing in on the Hudaydah airport.

The Saudi-backed coalition is trying to capture the port city in its yet heaviest assault on the country in more than three years. The offensive threatens to cut the lifeline to millions of Yemeni people already struggling with an acute shortage of vital supplies.

Elsewhere, nine civilians, including two children and a woman, were killed and others injured when the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition waged 18 airstrikes and ground attacks, using cluster missiles, on several provinces of Yemen over 24 hours, according to reports combined by Saba News Agency on Friday. In Saada province, seven civilians, including a woman, were killed in an air raid targeted a home in Ghor area of Ghamer district.

Also in Saada, the warplane of aggression launched two strikes on Jahla area of Razih district.

Meanwhile, aggression forces targeted Khadhwan area of Ketaf district by two cluster missiles and artillery and missile shells were fired toward residential areas of Munabeh border district.

In Sanaa province, an airstrike hit Nehm district.

In Jawf province, three of Saudi-led aggression coalition airstrikes hit Mazwea area of Moton district.

Yemen has been since March 2015 under a brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition, in a bid to restore power to fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Over 14,000 Yemenis have been killed and tens of thousands injured in Saudi-led strikes, with the vast majority of them being civilians, especially women and children.

However, the allied forces of the Yemeni army and popular committees established by Ansarullah revolutionaries have been heroically confronting the aggression with all means, inflicting huge losses upon Saudi-led forces and the kingdom's strategic infrastructure including airports and oil production facilities.

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Yemen Hudaydah Eid Saudi Warplanes

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