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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
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Hezbollah Leader Warns Israeli Regime against Provocations on Lebanon Border

Friday 19 January 2018
Hezbollah Leader Warns Israeli Regime against Provocations on Lebanon Border

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Hezbollah leader has warned the Israeli regime against any provocative move on the border between Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories.

Alwaght- Hezbollah resistance movement leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has warned the Israeli regime against any provocative move on the border between Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the martyrdom anniversary of Hezbollah fighters in Syria’s southwestern Quneitra region on Friday afternoon, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Zionist enemy against constructing a separation wall at the 13 controversial positions along the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

 The Hezbollah chief also underlined that his movement supports the Lebanese government and military in the face of threats being posed by Israel at border positions.

“After liberating the Lebanese occupied territories from the Zionist enemy in 2000, the UN demarcation of the national border with the Palestinian territories left 13 controversial positions, and the Lebanese government informed the UNIFIL about its rejection for any Israeli measure in this regard. The Islamic Resistance backs the Lebanese government and army, and the Zionists must take Lebanon’s warning seriously.”

Stressing the importance of avoiding all the forms of normalizing ties with the Zionist entity, the Hezbollah leader also warned against the attempts made by some Lebanese, especially after the recent events in the occupied Palestine, to take certain initiatives in this context.

Boycotting US movie director Spielberg

Sayyed Nasrallah called for boycott and banning all the movie productions of the American director Steven Allan Spielberg who paid one million dollars to the Israeli regime in 2006 to support it in its war on Lebanon.  “We aren’t against art, cinema or TV, but don’t simplify things. There is a Lebanese decision to boycott Israel so commit to your decisions.”

Hezbollah most effective anti-terror force

Sayyed Nasrallah also described Hezbollah as one of the most effective forces in the fight against terrorism across the West Asia region.

He stated that the sacrifices made by Hezbollah martyrs were behind all victories over US-Israeli plots in the region.

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the US has long sought to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist outfit, and has even leveled unsubstantiated allegations of involvement in drug trafficking against the resistance movement.

He then urged US officials to launch a full-scale investigation into the drug-related activities of their own intelligence bodies.

Regarding the recent car bomb explosion in the southern Lebanese city of Sidon that slightly wounded a member of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, the Hezbollah chief said “it is the beginning of a dangerous Zionist scheme to undermine the country’s security.”

US created ISIS but pretends to fight it

Commenting on US plans to keep its military deployment in Iraq and Syria under the pretext of preventing the return of ISIS terrorists, the Hezbollah leader noted that, “The United States plans to keep its military deployment in Iraq and Syria under the pretext of preventing the return of the terrorists. This is while the entire world knows it was the US administration that created the Takfiri group.”

He said, “Iraqis and Syrians can well prevent the resurgence of ISIS, and do not need US help in this regard.”

Trump's animosity toward Islam, Muslims

The Hezbollah secretary general also denounced US President Donald Trump’s use of “Islamic terrorism,” stating that such a terminology clearly proves his animosity toward Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Islam and Muslims.

He added that, "we reject to describe the US terror as Christian, the Christians must reject the term “Islamic Terror”.

On the issue of al-Quds, the Hezbollah leader said after Trump's recognition of al-Quds as Israeli regime's capital, the US administration seeks to destroy the Palestinian cause in collaboration with some Arab monarchies who exert pressures on the Palestinians to abandon their rights and accept the so-called “The Century’s Deal” which gives them only crumbs.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that Palestinian uprising or Intifada will frustrate US schemes.

The Hezbollah leader started his speech by stressing that the sacrifices made by the martyrs and fighters as well as their families across the regional countries in face of the US-Zionist schemes and the Takfiri terrorists have led to all the gained achievements, including security, stability and liberation.


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Hezbollah Israeli Regime Lebanon Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ISIS Martyrs Trump

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