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4 Moscow Attack Shooters Arrested, Reportedly with Links to Ukraine

Saturday 23 March 2024
4 Moscow Attack Shooters Arrested, Reportedly with Links to Ukraine

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Alwaght- The Russian authorities arrested 4 suspects in the terrorist attack argeting the Crocus City Hall complex, the Russian news agency TASS reported earlier today. 

Later, Russia's FSB security service told President Vladimir Putin that 11 people had been detained following Friday's deadly attack near Moscow, including four people directly involved, Interfax cited the Kremlin as saying on Saturday.

It said FSB security service chief Alexander Bortnikov had reported to President Vladimir Putin that those detained included "four terrorists" and that the service was working to identify their accomplices.

Russia's Investigative Committee said the death toll rose to 115 from the attack in which camouflage-clad gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons at concertgoers near the capital on Friday.

Russian lawmaker Alexander Khinshtein said the attackers had fled in a Renault vehicle that was spotted by police in the Bryansk region, about 340 km (210 miles) southwest of Moscow on Friday night, and disobeyed instructions to stop.

While two were arrested after a car chase, two others fled into a forest, but they were later caught and arrested as confirmed by the Kremlin.

Meanwhile, Interfax quoted the FSB security service as saying that four suspects directly involved in the deadly attack near Moscow on Friday were heading toward Russia's border with Ukraine when they were apprehended early on Saturday.

They had contacts on the Ukrainian side, the security service confirmed, adding that the attack had been carefully planned and the perpetrators had weapons prepared in advance in a cache.

"After committing the terrorist attack, the criminals intended to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border and had relevant contacts on the Ukrainian side of the border," the FSB said, confirming that work is underway to determine all the circumstances of the incident.

Reactions to the attack

The Iranian President, Ibrahim Raisi, strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Moscow as he saluted the efforts put in by the Russian authorities to ensure Russia's national security. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent Russian President Vladimir Putin a letter of condolences as revealed by the state-run Chinese broadcaster today.

The White House revealed that it was attempting to get more information on the attack as it sent its condolences to the victims of the "terrible shooting attack."

As for the EU, it expressed that it was "shocked and appalled" by what happened in Moscow.

The EU Spokesperson said, "The EU condemns any attacks against civilians. Our thoughts are with all those Russian citizens affected."

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