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Qatar Files Complaint at WTO against Saudi-Led Boycott

Tuesday 1 August 2017
Qatar Files Complaint at WTO against Saudi-Led Boycott

Alwaght- Qatar has lodged a formal legal complaint at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over a trade boycott by Saudi Arabia-led regimes, indicating that Doha is disappointed with solving the deep-rooted rifts through dialog.   

Qatar's WTO representative Ali Alwaleed al-Thani announced on Monday the Persian Gulf Arab country requests consultation with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to “discuss and clarify the legality” of those measures against Doha and to “find a way to bring them into conformity with their commitments.”

By making the official request, Qatar triggered a two-month deadline for the Persian Gulf states to resolve the protest or to face litigation at the WTO and to impose on them potential trade sanctions in a tit-for-tat move.

"We've given sufficient time to hear the legal explanations on how these measures are in compliance with their commitments, to no satisfactory result," al-Thani said.

"We have always called for dialogue, for negotiations, and this is part of our strategy to talk to the members concerned and to gain more information on these measures, the legality of these measures, and to find a solution to resolve the dispute."

The widening rift occurred on June 5, when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt, which later were called siege states, severed ties with Doha, officially accusing Qatar of supporting “terrorism” and destabilizing the Middle East, allegations that Qatar says are unjustified and stem from false claims and assumptions.

To further pressure Qatar, Saudi Arabia has totally closed its land border with its tiny neighbor, through which much of Qatar's food supply crossed.

Later in June, the four Arab countries urged Qatar to abide by a 13-point list of demands if it wanted the crippling blockade lifted. The demands included shutting down the Doha-based Al Jazeera broadcaster, scaling back cooperation with Iran, closing the Turkish military base in Qatar, and paying an unspecified sum in reparations. They have also listed “six principles” they want Qatar to adopt.

The defiant Doha government, however, strongly refused to comply, calling the wide-ranging demands “unrealistic, unreasonable and unacceptable.” In return, the four feuding countries vowed to impose further sanctions on Doha.

“We have always called for dialogue, for negotiations, and this is part of our strategy to talk to the members concerned and to gain more information on these measures, the legality of these measures, and to find a solution to resolve the dispute,” al-Thani further said.

The siege states previously told the WTO that they would cite national security to justify their actions against Qatar, using a controversial and rarely requested exemption permitted under the WTO regulations.

Doha cited “coercive attempts at economic isolation” in the complaint sent to each country. It covered all trade restrictions imposed the Persian Gulf emirate, including bans on trade through Qatar's ports, and travel by Qatari citizens, blockages of Qatari digital services and websites, closure of maritime borders and ban of flights operated by Qatari aircraft.

The complaint, however, did not include Egypt, the fourth state among the boycotting countries. Despite cutting travel and diplomatic ties with Doha, Cairo did not expel Qatari citizens or ask Egyptians to leave the emirate.

“Obviously all options are available. But we have not raised a consultation request with Egypt yet,” al-Thani added, without giving further details.

The coordinated move against Doha is spearheaded by Riyadh, which often manages to have its vassal states fall into line. Saudi Arabia itself is known as the main sponsor of Wahhabi terrorists it has accused Qatar of supporting. Some analysts believe the Saudi anger is rather because Qatar acts more independently of Riyadh, including in its relations with Iran.


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Saudi Arabia Qatar WTO Trade Boycott Complaint

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