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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Map of  Latest Battlefield Developments in Syria and Iraq on

Hezbollah Entered Syria Independently to Fight Existential Changes Plot: Sayyed Nasrallah

Monday 24 October 2016
Hezbollah Entered Syria Independently to Fight Existential Changes Plot: Sayyed Nasrallah

Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah

Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement entered Syria through an independent decision to fight plots to make existential changes in the region

Alwaght- Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement entered Syria through an independent decision to fight plots to make existential changes in the region, the movement’s secretary general said on Sunday.

In a speech to honor the seventh day of the killing of the movement's military commander, Hatem Hamade, in Syria, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said the movement did not receive orders from any third country to enter the war but rather entered the neighboring country following a comprehensive and extensive analysis.

"Our choice of going to Syria was very well studied after observing the regional developments that began in Tunisia and reached Syria," he said, adding "Time has revealed that the battle in Syria is aimed at making existential changes on the ground as well as to the political map of the region."

Sayyed Nasrullah said the plotted war in Syria was not merely to topple the government of the President Bashar Asad but was aimed to make changes to demographic map and borders of the region in order to uproot certain groups of people.

Elsewhere in his speech, Hezbollah’s secretary general rejected recent rumors that his fighters were withdrawing from Syria and said they will remain there until the final victory is achieved.

"We will continue this battle until the end, and we are proud of our martyrs in Syria, and whoever bargains on our tiredness will lose,” he said, emphasizing that the security “we are living in now is not the outcome of agreements or mere prayers," but it is the outcome of efforts made by martyrs and their blood.

He also condemned Saudi Arabia for its role in supporting the ISIS terrorists referring to the recently leaked emails related to the former US secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton as proof for the issue

Elsewhere in his speech Hezbollah chief referred to the blockade imposed on Yemen by the Saudi regime that he said affected the lives of more than 20 million people and slammed international bodies for their silence over the brutalities committed by Saudi regime in Yemen.

Touching on the ISIS plot to masquerade its crime as Islamic acts he said “Unfortunately, what ISIS is doing is under the name of [Prophet] Mohammad (PBUH). They want to throw this name, which has always shined in this world with glory, into darkness of ISIS.”

Committing crimes under the name of Islam and its prophet is a deliberated and preplanned act by ISIS, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized.

The secretary general of Hezbollah also slammed Turkey's illegal intervention in the battle of Mosul, saying that Turkish officials have a greedy eye on that area of the Iraqi territory.

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