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General Salami: The Zionist regime cannot escape the turmoil it creates

Sunday 7 April 2024
General Salami: The Zionist regime cannot escape the turmoil it creates

ALWAGHT- The Revolutionary Guards commander, asserting that the Zionist regime currently relies on life support from the United States, declared: " This regime cannot escape the turmoil it creates; it is vulnerable and aware of the consequences."

During his pre-Friday prayer address at Tehran University's Quds Day event, Major General Hossein Salami, the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), characterized the Zionist regime as a weapon implanted by Britain's fabricated and malicious system into the Islamic nation during the Pahlavi era 75 years ago. He further noted that since then, the United States has supported this regime to serve as a pivotal political, security, and geographical conduit in the Islamic world, enabling it to manipulate and regulate America's criminal and colonial policies.

Salami continued by highlighting the tragic impact of the Zionist regime's actions on the Palestinian Muslim nation and other Islamic and Arab regions, which have been deprived of security, peace, and tranquility due to the regime's countless crimes. He pointed out that from 1945 onwards, with significant Western support, particularly from the United States and Britain, the Zionist regime has perpetrated various wars and conflicts aimed at uprooting and displacing the indigenous Palestinian population. These efforts were actively backed by countries such as America, Britain, and France, leading to the ongoing suffering and displacement of the Palestinian people.

He outlined the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime as stark evidence of the lethal toxin injected into the Islamic world by America. He emphasized that America, lacking political wisdom, has shouldered significant political, economic, and security burdens to uphold this regime without roots, which its collapse is highly probable from all perspectives and is impending according to divine decree. Presently, the crimes perpetrated by the Zionist regime, backed by America, have thrust America into the epicenter of global animosity. America's political standing in the region and globally is waning due to its financial and logistical backing of the Zionist regime, its political endorsement of vetoing all UN Security Council resolutions, its psychological bolstering of the Zionist regime, and its endeavor to dominate the political will of the Islamic world by bolstering this regime.

Major General Salami noted that America has been compelled to pivot its focus from economics to security in the Eastern Mediterranean, and its decline in this regard has hastened, yet it remains unwilling to relinquish support for this regime. He remarked, "The Zionist regime currently survives through artificial respiration provided by America. It breathes within America's specialized political, security, and psychological care. Once the West's artificial respiration apparatus is removed from the Zionist regime's nostrils, it will lapse into vegetative existence and crumble. This moment is near, not distant."

He asserted that the Zionist regime staggers on the brink of demise, and any action it undertakes will result in its defeat. If it continues its war against Palestine, it will ultimately be forced to surrender to the celestial resistance of the Palestinian people, and if it retreats, it will still face defeat.

He elaborated: Messages from Gaza reaffirm our unwavering resilience. Palestinians urge us to stand firm, affirming that we will bury the regime deep. There's no salvation for the Zionists; they're left with no option but surrender, unable to choose between war and survival.

Major General Salami emphasized: Presently, we operate under divine assurances. God remains steadfast in His promises, ensuring triumph for the Muslims. The Zionist regime must grasp the reality that spreading hatred won't enhance its security.

He remarked: Our respected Supreme Leader proclaimed that our valiant forces will hold the Zionist regime accountable. This regime cannot evade the turmoil it initiates; it's vulnerable and aware of the consequences. We caution that any hostile action against our sacred system will not go unanswered.

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Major General Hossein Salami Islamic Republic of Iran Zionist regime Israel Quds Day IRGC United States United Kingdom France

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