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Gaza Now a Graveyard of International Law, Says Jordan FM

Monday 25 March 2024
Gaza Now a Graveyard of International Law, Says Jordan FM

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Alwaght- Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi has said that Gaza has become a graveyard, not only for the children, but also for the international law.

Safadi said the massacre and deprivation faced by the children in Gaza are unjustifiable, according to Al Jazeera.

He also said that cutting financial contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) amounts to participating in the massacre of Palestinian children.

He highlighted the vital role of UNRWA for Palestinians and stressed that there is no alternative to the agency.

Israel is weaponizing starvation in Gaza, he said, adding that this catastrophe will not end unless the war stops.

Furthermore, Safadi warned that a planned ground invasion of Rafah, where almost half of the population in Gaza are sheltering, would be catastrophic.

The remarks come amid a shocking Saturday report by Aljazeera that said Israeli forces raped and killed Palestinian women taking shelter in Shifa Hospital.

Jamila Al-Hisi, an eyewitness who was besieged in the medical complex and managed to finally get out, said on Saturday that women have been subjected to rape, starvation, torture, and extrajudicial execution, adding that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is doing nothing.

She went on to say that Israeli troops have “forced 65 families to leave the area around the al-Shifa Medical Complex whilst burning and killing entire families,” noting that they have burned a building where Palestinian civilians were taking shelter.

“We don’t even have water to break our fast, and we don’t know where to go,” Hisi said, stressing that the displaced people in the compound have not found food or water for six days.

For his part, the UN chief criticized the Israeli blockade of aids to Gaza.

The line of blocked aid trucks stuck on Egypt’s side of the border with the Gaza Strip while Palestinians face starvation on the other side is a “moral outrage”, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on a visit to the Rafah crossing.

“I have come to Rafah to shine a spotlight on the pain of Palestinians in Gaza,” the UN chief said on Saturday, addressing a news conference in El Arish, in Egypt’s northern Sinai, where much of the international relief for Gaza is stockpiled as Israel continues to block aid from entering.

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