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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Iran and Russia Expanding Military Cooperation, US Angry: Political Expert

Saturday 27 January 2024
Iran and Russia Expanding Military Cooperation, US Angry: Political Expert

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Alwaght- Amid the chaotic situation these days in West Asia, the Secretary General of Supreme National Security Council of Iran Ali Akbar Ahmadian, who is at the same time the special envoy to the Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei, visited Moscow on Wednesday at the invitation of his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev. The visit, first one since Ahmadian took the post in May last year, is said aimed at boosting security and economic relations of the two countries, and according to a statement released by Russian National Security Council, the bilateral talks focused on a wide range of Moscow-Tehran security cooperation. 

Alwaght arranged an interview with Russian affairs expert Rouhullah Modaber to discuss the goals of the trip and the level of cooperation between the Islamic Republic and the Russian Federation. 

Alwaght: How do you assess this visit in this period of time and regional conditions? 

Modaber: The meeting between the secretary-general of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council and his Russian counterpart is based on a schedule that is continuous round the year. This invitation serves an intention to keep Tehran and Moscow on the track of regional regional and international security convergence. The recent visit came at the invitation of Patrushev and had several goals. One of the goals has to do with the regional security developments. Tehran and Moscow share views on the escalating tensions in the Red Sea and are against them, especially the Russian side that seriously criticizes the Americans and the British for their abuse of the United Nations Security Council to carry out attacks on Yemen. Considering the continuation of the American and British attacks on Yemen and their repetition on a daily basis and the possibility of broadening the range of tensions and conflict, there is a need for convergence between the Iranian and Russian security officials to reach a middle solution based on the capacities of Iran in Yemen and capacities of Russia in the Security Council. 

Alwaght: As you mentioned, one important issue related to Gaza war is the Red Sea escalation. The Russians abstained from voting to the Security Council resolution on Yemen, but then condemned the attacks. Do you think they were double-crossed by the Americans? 

Modaber: The Russians are the founders of the international relations science and foreign policy. Diplomacy emerged in the Russia of Tsars. Therefore, Russia has well-trained diplomats. Concerning their abstention, we should know that the American and British sides advanced their Yemen resolution in association with Japan from the aspect of disruption of the freedom of navigation, and even before drafting the resolution, they secured consensus and affirmative vote of other members of the Security Council, including the non-permanent members. The United States, England, and Japan focused on keyword of disruption of the navigation, and so closed the hands of countries who have the veto right but were opposed to the draft resolution. After all, if these countries opposed, they could go under media attacks and be accused of choosing silence to these Yemeni attacks. The Russians presented an amendment to neutralize the American motion, but the Americans vetoed it. 

The Russians again introduced an amendment, highlighting the prioritization of diplomacy to block further escalation. 

Also there is an article pointing to Yemen, adding that the members of the Security Council can take action to protect their navigation and maritime security. This article has a broad interpretation and is generalizable. In fact, this resolution gives an opportunity to all the members of the Security Council to act, including China that is given the right to take military action against Taiwan for disrupting the navigation, or Russia that can take action against Ukraine in the Black Sea. Russia sent a message to the United States, telling it that Moscow interpreted the resolution in a broad sense and generalized it to itself. Actually, the US passed a resolution that gives it the right to take action on Yemen, but it now gave all Security Council members a privilege to interpret security of navigation the way they wish. 

Alwaght: Over the past decade, one of the main cases of Iranian-Russian security and military cooperation has been Syria. How do you see Russian stance on the Israeli assassination of the Iranian military advisers in Syria? Why have not the Russians acted in this regard? 

Modaber: In order to damage the relations between Iran and Russia, the Western side spreads a lie claiming that Russia’s air defense does not take action in the event of Israeli attacks. We should say this is an utter lie. The aim of this lie is to damage their bilateral relations at a time Russia and Iran are expanding their relations and after several years of talks, a twenty-year comprehensive cooperation pact, which has various aspects, is to be signed between Tehran and Moscow. Concerning the claim about actionlessness of the Russian air defenses, the technical people know where these air defense are deployed, and the areas attacked by the Israeli regime are not under the air defense coverage. 

In fact, they raise the issue with the aim of division. They close eyes to the main perpetrator the Israeli regime that attacks the residential areas and focus their accusations on Russia. 

The Russians have always issued warnings to the Israeli side. It is not necessary to raise this issue on the media. Some think that all security issues must be opened to the public. Russia and Iran are coordinating with each other in Syria. They fight terrorism and they are present in this country based on the agreement with the Syrian government and have the necessary convergence. This should not be a instrument for division. 

Over the past week, hostile media such as BBC Persian, Radio America and Iran International created the main line of this narrative. We must pay attention to the fact that when a media such as Iran International, which belongs to the Israeli regime, develops a narrative, behind this narrative lies a scheme to sow division between Russia and Iran and censor the main culprit the Israeli regime. 

Alwaght: let’s focus on Palestinian developments. Given the recent Gaza developments, which are critical, and the possibility of war spilling over to the whole region, what is the place of this issue in the talks between Ahmadian and Russian officials. What’s the policy of the Russians in this regard? 

Modaber: The important issue is that Russia started active diplomacy from the beginning of the Gaza crisis. It cooperated with ambassadors of the Muslim countries to Moscow and held an important meeting with them at the foreign ministry. Also, President Putin several times talked about end of war in Gaza and lifting the blockade to allow delivery of medicine and food to the Strait. 

Certainly, one of the topics of discussion in Moscow is Gaza. But there are two points: The Russians are highly sensitive to the Russian prisoners held by Hamas. Hamas should release them. 

During two visits of Hamas officials to Moscow, the Russians raised this issue. The second point is that the Russians are opposed to Israeli actions, but there is a difference between Tehran and Moscow over the Palestinian cause. Russia sticks to the two-state solution and believes that two independent Palestinian and Israeli states should be formed, but Iran is against the idea. Still, their commonalities are many. They both believe in an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and are against attacks on civil sites and want end to the blockade. Given the Russian clout in the Security Council, Moscow pursues these demands. Certainty, the talks between Ahmadian and Patrushev will create further common points and distribution of work between the two sides. 

Alwaght: You mentioned the Russian prisoners. Are they Israeli citizens? 

Modaber: Yes, 1.5 million of Israel’s citizens are of Russian descents. According to figures published by the Russian foreign ministry, 6 to 8 of the prisoners have dual nationality. The case is so important to Moscow that the Russians stressed the need for their release during two times of Hamas leaders’ visit to Russia during war. 

One of the issues the Russians are pursuing is this position, and Hamas has also made a good promise. But the important thing is that the Russians have a serious difference with the Americans over Gaza. On Thursday, Biden announced that all the leaders of Hamas should be killed, and that the United States does not distinguish between bombings in residential and military areas, but Russia is strongly against airstrikes on residential areas in Gaza. Unlike the United States, Russia does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization. Russia maintained its relations with Hamas based on some reservations and invited Hamas, which can help the latter’s voice be heard in the Security Council. Russia is the only country with a permanent membership in the Security Council that talks to Hamas. Therefore, the role of Russia is like a valve to help reduce the pressure on the Palestinian people. 

Over 20 Illusion airplanes of Russia have so far transported aids to Gaza. They managed to deliver these aids because they negotiate with Egypt and Israel simultaneously. The American plan that asserts Hamas must be obliterated at any expense should be checked. This demonstrates to the human community the inhumane American position. The Tehran-Moscow convergence overlaps some points of difference, and they at the end of the road help end current Gaza crisis. 

Alwaght: Let’s discuss military cooperation. With regard to Iranian purchase of Su-35 fighter jets from Russia, please update us about their state of cooperation. What is your thought about future of their military relations? 

Modaber: I do not mention the warplanes deal. The armed forces are qualified for this comment. But the Iranian-Russian military cooperation in various aspects, especially in a systemic and sophisticated way, are advancing. This is a considerable point, angering the Americans. So far, the Americans have issued several statements against Iranian-Russian military cooperation. These American stances stem from the Russian cooperation with Iran in military technology, specifically in areas Iran is banned in. On January 15, Iran’s Defense Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiyani talked to his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu. As you know, when a phone conversation is made, it means that cooperation is already completed, which marks a positive point in their arms and military partnership. 


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