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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
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Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
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Crisis-Hit Israel May Soon End Up Facing New Intifada

Monday 10 May 2021
Crisis-Hit Israel May Soon End Up Facing New Intifada

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Alwaght- The recent Israeli attack on the Palestinian worshippers at the holy al-Aqsa Mosque that killed 2 and injured over 205 has triggered a huge wave of backlash in the Muslim world against Tel Aviv’s inhumane actions. Afraid of the multi-thousand gathering of the Muslims at the Al Qadr nights, the Israelis attacked the Muslim worshipers as part of a policy seeking to Judaize al-Quds (Jerusalem). However, the Palestinian resistance and the world condemnation are pushing Tel Aviv’s new policy to failure. 

Massive global condemnations and Arab regimes' double-standard policy 

The attack of the Israeli regime forces on the Palestinian worshipers drew condemnations worldwide. In one of the most important reactions, Iran, as the head of the Axis of Resistance and the main supporter of the Palestinian cause, strongly condemned the Israeli military action yesterday, and Saeed Khatibzadeh, the spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry said that the "war crime once again revealed the criminal nature of the illegitimate Israeli regime and highlighted the need for an immediate international action to stop violation of the most basic principles of the human rights." 

Also, Volkan Bozkir, the president of the United Nations General Assembly in a Twitter post called the intervention of the Israeli security forces in al-Aqsa Mosque "unfortunate" and called on the international community to treat the holy sites, especially al-Aqsa Mosque, with respect. 

At the level of international organizations, the European Union also condemned the clashes between the Israeli forces and the protesting Palestinians in occupied al-Quds on Saturday. Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abu al-Gheit also condemned in the strongest terms the attack on the holy site and the targeting of unarmed Palestinians with sound bombs, tear gas, and also live ammunition. He stressed in a statement that the attack aroused the feelings of Muslims around the world and reflected the Israeli deliberate policy of escalating the situation. He also warned Tel Aviv of "consequences."

In addition to the countries and organizations mentioned, many Arab countries have condemned the Israeli military's attack on Palestinian worshipers. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, and Kuwait released statements in condemnation. Despite their condemnation, Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia over the past year have chosen to make compromises to the Israeli regime, betraying the Palestinian people's liberation ideals with their brazen advocacy to the normalization with the Israelis. This leads to the notion that the reaction made by the Arab countries is mainly for internal consumption. Surrendering to Tel Aviv and betraying the Muslim and Arab nations, their condemnations are a ridiculous show. 

Israeli identity apartheid in Al-Quds 

The Israeli police attack on Muslim worshipers on International Al-Quds Day is undoubtedly a continuation of the regime's identity apartheid policy to change the demographics and identity of the city. In the past two years, the Israelis launched a comprehensive program for Judaization of al-Quds with a special focus on the areas around al-Aqsa Mosque. Backed by the security forces, the Israeli settlers regularly attack the Muslim-inhabited neighborhoods in the vicinity of al-Aqsa Mosque. 

Bab al-Amud and Sheikh Jarrah have been at the center of the Israeli identity change campaign. Over the past 10 days, Bab al-Amud has been the heart of the clashes between the Israeli troops and the Palestinians. As al-Qadr nights arrived, the Israeli settlers planned an attack on Sheikh Jarrah, but Palestinian youths created a human barricade at the entrance of the neighborhood in support of the people there. This situation is coming while pressures from the settlers and collusion of the Israeli courts put nearly 500 Palestinians within 28 households at risk of forced immigration in Sheikh Jarrah. 

Netanyahu's plot in the middle of Israeli government impasse 

The atrocities and crimes committed by the Israeli regime against the Muslims in al-Aqsa Mosque can be related to a Netanyahu strategy to take political advantage of the developments. As Netanyahu failed to form a government, President Reuven Rivlin tasked Yair Lapid, the leader of Yash Atid party, with forming a new government. In the current circumstances, Netanyahu seems to resort to violence to raise the Palestinian-Israeli clashes in a bid to win the right-wing factions' attention, all to block the way of success of the moderates led by Lapid. 

But the new PM-designate frustrated Netanyahu goal and backed the Israeli police forces. Saying that he ordered immediate transfer of the injured military personnel to the hospitals, Lapid said he will not allow what he called "violence" to unfold. Calling the Palestinians "terrorist organizations," Lapid said he "will not allow them to threaten Israel." 

"Anyone who wants to harm us must know that they will pay a heavy price," he was quoted as saying. These comments can clearly show a kind of confrontation of the radicals joining Netanyahu. 

Israeli retreat and failure of coercive power policy 

Following the crimes of the Israeli regime on al-Quds Day, as expected, the political factions and the Palestinian people reacted strongly, forcing the Israelis to walk back from their stances. Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas in a strong warning to Netanyahu said: "Don't play with fire. This is a fight neither you, nor army, nor police, and nor Zionist regime will win. What is happening is an intifada that would continue and would not stop. No matter how many are the victims, we will defend al-Quds and al-Aqsa Mosque. Our enemy will not win the battle it started in Al-Quds." 

Following these statements and the pressure of the Palestinian citizens, the Israeli forces once again retreated from their positions, and the gates of the holy mosque were reopened to the worshipers. Social media reports and videos showed Palestinians entering the mosque for morning prayer, chanting "Alllah Akbar" (God is Great). 

According to Arab 48 news outlet, an unprecedented number of worshipers is expected to attend the mosque for Sunday night for the last al-Qadr night. In response, the Israeli police have reportedly raised their alert levels around al-Aqsa Mosque as the al-Qadr night is arriving.

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Israel Palestine Al-Quds Al-Aqsa Crisis

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