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Terrorists in Syria Call on Turkey to Pay Their Salaries

Monday 6 April 2020
Terrorists in Syria Call on Turkey to Pay Their Salaries

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Alwaght- Turkey-sponsored terrorists in Syria’s Idlib province reportedly have demonstrated against their treatment by Ankara and demanded their salaries to be paid.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Sunday that dozens of terrorists have been seen protesting and shooting in the air near the al-Alam Sqaure in the occupied northeastern Syrian city of Tal Abyad.

The terrorists also demanded to be replaced and transferred to other areas controlled by Turkish-led forces in Syria.

The terrorists were deployed in northeastern Syria October last year as part of a Turkish offensive against Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces bordering Turkey.

The offensive came to a halt shortly after following an agreement between Ankara and Moscow.

Turkey has played a major role supporting terrorists in Syria ever since a major foreign-backed insurgency overtook the country nine years ago.

Nonetheless, with the Syrian government gradually regaining control over most of Syria, Turkey has instead sought to enlist the terrorists in its operations against Kurds in northern Syria.

Ankara views the Kurdish forces in Syria to be tied to the homegrown Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) which it deems a threat as they seek an autonomous region in Turkey.

The Syrian government has, nonetheless, firmly rejected the Turkish-led operations as a blatant violation of its sovereignty and has vowed to liberate the whole country from foreign-led occupation.

The reported protest on Sunday comes as SOHR had reported similar protests by terrorists on Ankara’s payroll last month.

The fighters cut off roads with rubber tires in Tal Abyad and the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ain and demanded their salaries to be paid.

Discontent rising among Turkish-led terrorists in Libya

According to another report published by SORH on Sunday, discontent is also rising among terrorists deployed from Syria to fight on behalf of Turkey in Libya.

Ankara deployed the terrorists earlier this year in a bid to intervene in the ongoing civil war in the country.

According to the report, the growing frustration is due to Turkey’s failure to pay the mercenary forces’ salaries while they “suffer from dire living conditions” in Libya.

“Turkey paid our salaries for only one month. It has not secured any thing for us,” said one fighter in an audio recording obtained by SOHR.

“All of us want to return to Syria. There are groups that have already got prepared to leave Libya to Syria”, the fighter added.

The growing discontent comes as a total number of 165 terrorists deployed from Syria have been killed in the north-African country, according to SOHR.

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