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Speculations over Founding Kurdish State after Tal Abyad Fall to Kurds

Sunday 12 July 2015
Speculations over Founding Kurdish State after Tal Abyad Fall to Kurds

Alwaght- As the Syrian crisis began, the Kurds in the country took advantage of the tensions, and while proclaiming neutrality to all conflicting parties, practically wrested control over the Kurdish regions of Syria. Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Syrian wing of the PKK, thanks to its overwhelming influence virtually eliminated all of its rivals, and maintained its superiority in the Kurdish regions. In order to achieve their dreams (founding a Syrian Kurdistan), the Kurds have converted the separated Kurdish areas into three cantons. Accordingly, the Syrian Kurdistan was divided into three autonomous regions or cantons including Afrin, Kubani and Jazirah. However, ISIS did not recognize the neutrality of the Kurds, and there were numerous clashes between them, which culminated in Kubani. Three Kurdish areas of Syria are separated from one another.

Some analysts believe that PYD seeks to connect these areas together to create an independent state for the Kurds, and the occupation of Tal Abyad will help the Kurds to join together the areas under their control along the Turkish border, from Iraq in East to Kubani in West. According to Rami Abdul Rahman, head of the Syrian Human Rights Watch, the Kurdish fighters have taken full control over a 400 kilometer length border from the northeast region of Aleppo in northern Syria up to the border triangle of Turkey, Syria and Iraq, except Qamishli border crossing in al-Hasakah Governorate. Since the lands between the three Kurdish cantons are mainly Turkmen and Arabs, some people believe that Kurds have made attempts to expel the none-Kurd inhabitants from these areas and replace them with the Kurds, so that they can take full control over the northern Syria along its border with Turkey. Al-Arabiya television news channel, quoting the Kurdish sources, reported that PYD has moved six thousand Kurds from Kubani and 2700 other Kurds from northern Hasakah to reside them in Tal Abyad region.

Reuter's news agency reported that the seizure of Tal Abyad implies that "People's Protection Units" have taken linear control over a 400 kilometer borderline between Syria and Turkey. Close relation between the Syrian People's Protection Units and PKK has been a source of growing concern for the Turkish leaders. For three decades, PKK has been struggling against the central government of Turkey, events which claimed the lives of forty thousand people. Erdogan's government granted the Kurds some concessions and tried to work out a compromise with them during his rule. Syrian wing of the PKK is coming into power in Syrian equations; therefore, it is feared that this would undermine the ongoing talks and change the balance of power in the region.

Following the Kurds' advance in Tal Abyad, Erdogan stated this deliberate operation was aimed at evacuating Arabs and Turkmen, and residing PYD and PKK terrorist organizations in such areas. Erdogan added: "This is not a good sign. As it means our borders will be threatened in near future. Our sensitivity in this regard should be taken into account." As soon as the Kurdish forces won back Tal Abyad, Erdogan stressed he would not allow a Kurdish state to be formed near Turkish border. Turkey, with the largest minority Kurds is concerned that establishment of a Kurdish state would more than ever complicate the situation. On 5 June 2015, Erdogan said: "I am addressing the whole world: we will never allow a state to be formed in northern Syria, south of our border. We will keep up with our struggle whatever the cost is". Turkish media immediately broke the news that Ankara government has ordered the army to enter the Syrian territories.

However, Salih Muslim, the co-chair of the Democratic Union Party denied the claims made by the Turkish officials about preventing the entry of Syrian Turkmen and Arabs to Tal Abyad after clearing the area of ISIS terrorists. Stressing that some individuals did not like the idea of clearing Tal Abyad area of ISIS terrorists, he said: "Contrary to allegations reporting that PYD has closed the border, every day hundreds of Kurds, Turkmen and Arabs enter Tal Abyad." Noting that entry to the region should be controlled, Saleh said: "There are many landmines in the region, in order to prevent casualties caused by mine explosions, entry is controlled." The People’s Protection Units, the military wing of Syria’s Democratic Union Party, have no intention of creating a “Kurdish corridor” that would supposedly lay the ground for the foundation of an independent Kurdish state, PYD leader Salih Muslim stated.

Commenting to on Ankara’s increasing concerns over Syrian Kurds’quest for their own autonomous Kurdish state on Syria’s border with Turkey Salih Muslim, in an interview with Hurriyet daily news, said: "Let me say right away that we do not have a project aimed at founding a Kurdish state".

"God has placed Kurds in Syria by the border with Turkey. Kurds are living there too. What should we do?  Shall we leave our soil, our homeland just because the Turkish state is annoyed?” Muslim asked.... our concern is to protect ourselves and our people from the treachery of ISIS. In the strategic town of Tal Abyad in northern Syria, which borders Turkey, ISIS has committed many brutal acts," he added.

Referring to the recent claims he said "Such a discourse may have only one aim, which is to cause trouble between Arabs and Kurds in the region". "This soil is where Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens will live in peace. Thus, Ankara should not be concerned about different and intentional statements," he said. "People who went to Turkey from Tal Abyad are now returning to their hometown. What is wrong with that? … The US-led coalition is supporting the PYD because they consider it the most trustworthy group in the region, he said. Europe also trusts the PYD," Muslim added.

Iran's ambassador to Turkey also said the formation of a Kurdish state in northern Syria poses threats to Turkey. Iranian ambassador stressed that Ankara and Tehran should collaborate with each other to preserve the territorial integrity of Syria. Alireza Beikdeli reiterated the need for joint action of Turkey and Iran to prevent further instability in the region, and emphasized that the creation of any "Kurdish corridor" would pose threats, and founding a Kurdish state in Syria would be a plot against Turkey. 



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