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Hezbollah to Defeat Israeli Regime in Any Confrontation: Deputy Secretary General

Monday 10 October 2022
Hezbollah to Defeat Israeli Regime in Any Confrontation: Deputy Secretary General

Alwaght- Hezbollah will defeat Israeli regime in any potential new military confrontation waged by the Tel Aviv regime, Deputy Secretary General of the Lebanese resistance movement said, emphasizing that his comrades will remain on the path of steadfastness and will not stop fighting off the enemy’s plots.

Sheikh Naim Qassem made the remarks on Sunday as he addressed a ceremony in the Jabal Amil region in southern Lebanon.

“We have defeated Israel,” Sheikh Qassem said, adding that resistance fighters will continue to crush the Israeli regime in any battle as long as there are male and female Hezbollah resistance fighters, members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and devotees to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei within the group’s ranks.

“They (Israelis) are confused and do not know how to confront us in order to obliterate the legitimacy of our presence. Nonetheless, we face up to them by means of logical reasoning – something in which they are fairly weak. We strongly believe that weapons must be used to protect the homeland and must be exclusively in the hands of the Lebanese army forces,” he said.

The top Hezbollah official further said, “We know that Israel will not hesitate to kill us on a daily basis, occupy our territories and construct settlements in southern Lebanon in case the anti-Israel resistance front ceases its activities. We will not accept the alternative, which would seek to install its allied president and impose its tailored political and economic system in Lebanon.”

On Friday, Vice President of the Executive Council of Hezbollah Sheikh Ali Damoush said Israel only understands the language of force, expressing the movement’s preparedness for “all possibilities” in the face of the occupying regime’s threats.

He said Israeli threats against Lebanon are worthless in the face of the “stronger than ever” resistance in the Arab country.

Sheikh Damoush maintained that the Israeli regime does not understand the language of diplomacy.

 “The enemy does not understand the language of diplomacy, and whoever thinks that the enemy can recognize Lebanon’s rights through the logic of negotiation alone is wrong,” he said.

“The enemy only understands the logic of force, and this is what all past experiences have proven,” the top Hezbollah official added.


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Lebanon Hezbollah Defeat Israeli Regime Deputy Secretary General

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