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Holocaust Myth; Lame Excuse for Zionism

Saturday 14 May 2016
Holocaust Myth; Lame Excuse for Zionism

Iran casts doubt over the Zionist narrative of the Holocaust.

The roots of Zionism are entrenched in the Holocaust myth which has served as a pretext for modern-day persecutions and Israeli interests.

Alwaght- A myth is a widely held but false belief or idea. For the Islamic Republic of Iran, this definition describes the Holocaust, needless to say that it is the well-proliferated account of Nazi Germany’s persecution of European Jews during World War II.


The Myth rebuked        

The belief is widespread in Iran even at the highest religious and political levels.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei has questioned the occurrence of the Holocaust and its scale. 

“No one in European countries dares to speak about the Holocaust while it is not clear whether the core of this matter is reality or not. Even if it is reality, it is not clear how it happened. Speaking about the Holocaust and expressing doubts about it is considered to be a great sin. If someone does this, they stop, arrest, imprison and sue him. This is while they claim to be the supporters of freedom,” said the leader in a speech earlier this year.

However, even if the Holocaust were to be proven as an indisputable occurrence of the 20th century, it still does not justify Zionism, nor does it excuse the existence of an occupying Israeli regime, the persecution of Palestinians, and the wars incited to feed the leviathan of death. 

The Holocaust Pretext

The Holocaust has come to represent a plea for Zionists who take advantage of the story to pull the heart strings of the Western world, and most effectively threaten it with accusations of anti-Semitism, “the most horrid of all acts.”

Europe, specifically, having been the ground for the Holocaust, has borne the brunt of it. Decades and regimes later, Europe is still paying the price.

The Israeli regime, for example, continues to exact this price to this day as according to the Reparations Agreement signed on September 10, 1952 West Germany was to compensate for the persecution and genocide of Jews to the Israeli regime. Much of the money was invested in building the Israeli infrastructure.

In 2009, the Israeli Finance Minister said he will demand up to €1 billion from Germany as Tel Aviv sought discounts on warships and submarines, some of which it received gratis.

The blackmail goes beyond finances. The Holocaust paved the way for Zionism to penetrate Europe, establish a group of political lobbyists, secure economic profits, and culturally invade the continent.


Modern-day Holocaust

The Holocaust narrative has provided a pretext for the Israelis to perpetrate crimes and get away with them. On the basis of having been persecuted, the subjects of oppression, the Israeli regime has legitimized its persecution of others. The Holocaust has become a mask used to cover the real face of the modern-time oppressor.

Palestinians, the majority of whom are Muslims, are the ones living under an Israeli-made Holocaust, a persecution that has seen them robbed of their lands, lives, and rights. Countless are the Israeli massacres against Palestinians.

Major General Yair Golan, the deputy chief of staff of the Israel Oefence Forces himself drew parallels between the Israeli regime and Nazi Germany.

 “If there’s something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it’s the recognition of the revolting processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then—70, 80 and 90 years ago—and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016,” he said. Golan was forced to retract his statement.

As ludicrous as it sounds, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed the Palestinians for the Holocaust, the same Palestinians whose civilized existence in the early 20th century was not acknowledged. The phrase “a land without a people for a people without a land” is linked with the establishment of the Zionist movement. So, how can a people who did not exist be held responsible for something that allegedly happened in 1933?


Iran Questions

Iran sponsors a cartoon festival on the theme of the Holocaust. On Saturday, the third annual contest will take place as the media has already begun to cast suspicious glances over it. Reflecting the public vision on the Holocaust, however, the submitted works serve to instigate a revision of what the world has been told about it.

The exhibition has received criticism, especially from Zionists, not because cartoons threaten their existence but rather because they say what they don’t want to be said. They are afraid that the tale which they use to advance their interests at the expense of others will be repudiated.

Because they rely on its narrative for power and consider it to be a free ticket to hegemony, the Zionists, work to keep it intact.  Denying it is even illegal in some countries that bear freedom of speech as their source of democratic pride.

The question of reliability has always clouded historical events and what modern times perceive as happenings of the past. Even today, as the region is wrought with violence and bloody conflicts, it is impossible to write these developments in the book of history without a measure of subjectivity and political agendas twisting the truth and bending the facts. 100 years from now, citizens of the world may look back to the turn of the century and be deceived into believing that ISIS, for example, came to save humanity, should it succeed to divide and conquer.

As such, Iran has and continues to stand in the face of the Zionist regime. It is even considered to be Tel Aviv’s worst nightmare because it is a force it cannot bend. It is a power that has refused to acquiesce to the Zionist narrative, and that is the ultimate peril.



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