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Reasons Behind Turkey's Support for ISIS Terrorist Group

Saturday 2 August 2014
Reasons Behind Turkey's Support for ISIS Terrorist Group

Alwaght-Along with ISIS terrorist group's invasion of Iraq, Turkey entered the war to support terrorists, helping them reach Iraq through Turkey's soil, curing their injuries at Turkey's hospitals, funding them and so on.

Upon terrorists' invasion of Mosul, Turkey's foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu told ISIS is not a threat to us and there is no need to evacuate our consulate. Although, ISIS terrorist group took hostage Turkey's diplomats to prove that terrorism is a threat to everybody, even its supporters.

By the way, Turkey has spared no effort to help terrorists, because opportunist Turkish officials believe that supporting ISIS could better serve their interests. The Justice and Development Party (Turkish: Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi), the dominant party in Turkey, follows three following strategies facing with Iraq:

1.      Strengthening Turkey's influence on Iraqi Sunnis. After Saddam fall in 2003, countries like Turkey, Saudi, and Qatar made every effort to take the leadership of Iraqi Sunni. Turkey urged Sunnis of Iraq to gather under one umbrella i.e. Iraqi National Movement (INM), more commonly known as al-Iraqiya List. After Saddam topple, Turkey has been a host to Iraqi dissidents and opposition groups.                                                                                               Ahmet Davutoglu confesses that al-Iraqiya List was found at his home. Turkey's endeavor to rule over Iraqi Sunnis is esteemed from a Turkish political ideology that, in its broadest sense, promotes greater political engagement of Turkey within regions formerly under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, its predecessor state. Indeed, Turkey's officials are daydreaming for taking not only the Iraqi Sunnis, but also all Sunni Muslims around the world, the same as Saudi's do.

2.      Turkey is in desperate need for energy that according to its geopolitics, it must obtain energy either from Iran or Iraq. Turkey has begun investing in Iraqi Kurdistan oil fields since 2003 to guarantee a stable energy sources in its instable neighboring country that was faced with Iraq central government's tough response. Indeed, the Turks' need for energy made them to change their approach toward Kurds. The Qandil Mountains, approximately 50 km south of the TurkeyIraqIran tripoint and a sanctuary for the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has been bombarded by the Turkish Air Force for several years. After 2006, the Justice and Development Party (JDP) official, known for opportunistic manner, attempted to ease their relations with Kurds, whom they call them as "Mountain Kurds" in order to deny even their Ethnic identity. Since ISIS terrorist group's invasion of Iraq, Turkey officials ceased the opportunity to buy low price oil from Iraqi Kurdistan illegally.        

3.      To resolve deep tension with oppressed Turkey Kurds, Turkey officials asked Iraqi Kurds for mediation.  They have proposed a four-step plan to reconcile with the Kurds, particularly with PKK, disarming Kurds, and Kurds withdraw to Iraqi Kurdistan, recognizing their Identity, and Kurds' participation in the political process.   

To achieve the aforementioned goals, Turkey officials have done their best not only to become closer to the Sunnis of Iraq, but also to make relations with some Shiite groups, urging them to oppose the central government which Turks consider it as the most important obstacle to reach their ambitions.

However, not only JDP has failed to achieve its neo-Ottamanism aspirations, but also it is dealing with a shaky position both in Turkey and in West Asia. Their support for Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt led to nowhere, but deep challenges for al-Saud and its allies who are arch-foe to Muslim Brotherhood. Consequently, after Morsi's ouster in Egypt the new regime of Cairo, led by Sisi, became their enemy, too, they made a strategic mistake in their support for terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, though. Indeed, this false strategy both resulted in this country' anger and instability alongside its borders. However, it is predicted that this is not the end of story and they will face severe consequences, because it is proven that Terrorism makes great problems even for its supporters.

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