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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


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Millions Participate in Pro-Palestine Marches Supporting Armed Forces Operations Against Israel

Saturday 23 March 2024
Millions Participate in Pro-Palestine Marches Supporting Armed Forces Operations Against Israel

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Alwaght- The capital Sana'a witnessed a renewed million-man march, Friday, under the slogan "Our operations continue... Stop your aggression," in support of and solidarity with the Palestinian people who are facing a genocidal war in the besieged Gaza Strip.

On the second Friday of Ramadan, despite the heat and thirst during the daytime in Sana'a, the largest squares of the capital were filled for the 24th consecutive week, responding to the call of the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi.

The leader called on Thursday for the Yemeni people to participate in massive marches in various governorates, to show support for the Yemeni military operations against the Israeli enemy.

In conjunction with the central million-man march in the capital Sana'a, massive marches continued in more than 147 squares in support of the Palestinian people in cities and directorates of Yemen.

The participants raised flags of freedom and the Yemeni and Palestinian flags, as well as banners rejecting and condemning the massacres and genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

They called on the Yemeni Armed Forces to conduct more qualitative operations against the enemy entity and its ships in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean, until the aggression stops and the siege is lifted on Gaza, and food and medicine enter for the Palestinian people.

The statement of the march hailed the resilience of the Palestinian people, expressing deepest sympathy for the unprecedented crimes they are facing.

It emphasized the importance of continuing activities and popular marches in support of the Palestinian people and their sacred battle against the criminal Zionist entity.

The participants stressed the necessity of continuing Yemen’s military operations supporting the Al-Aqsa Storm battle until the Israeli aggression stops and the siege is lifted on the Palestinian people.

They called for a boycott of American and Israeli goods and companies supporting them, affirming that the boycott weapon is effective and accessible to all.

Since the commencement of the Israeli regime's relentless military campaign against Gaza in early October, the Yemenis have openly declared their support for Palestine's struggle against the Israeli occupation. 

The Armed Forces have conducted recent attacks on ships with ties to Israel near Yemeni ports, including the interception and seizure of a vessel associated with the Tel Aviv regime on November 19.

The ongoing Israeli siege has inflicted heavy casualties on Palestinians in Gaza, who have been enduring the war since October 7.

Gaza's Health Ministry said over 32,000 people, mostly women and children, had been killed in the war that the regime started following an operation staged by the Palestinian territory's resistance movements.


Source: Al-Masirah TV 

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Yemen Ansarullah Gaza Israel War

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