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Iran Slams International Inaction as Israel Launches Airstrike in Syrian Capital

Friday 31 March 2023
Iran Slams International Inaction as Israel Launches Airstrike in Syrian Capital

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Alwaght- Iran strongly condemned Israeli regime’s fresh airstrike on targets in Syrian capital, lamenting the international community’s failure to adopt appropriate and deterrent measures against the Tel Aviv regime’s acts of aggression on Syria, which target civilian airports and even residential neighborhoods.

“Such an approach has emboldened the regime to continue violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of an independent country and a member of the United Nations, and to persist in committing crimes against its citizens and military forces,” Spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kan’ani said in a statement on Friday.

He described the latest Israeli airstrike on Syria as a blatant and repeated violation of the international law and principles, a projective move by the regime to divert attention from internal crises and deep divisions within its society, as well as a testament to Israel’s dissatisfaction with growing stability in Syria and recent rapprochement between the war-torn Arab country and world countries.

Kan’ani then called upon relevant international bodies, the United Nations Security Council above all, to immediately fulfill their legal and recognized duties in taking actions against Israel’s attacks on Syria, and prevent continued and brazen violations of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Arab nation.

The Israeli Air Force carried out airstrikes in the Syrian capital Damascus shortly after midnight on Friday, for the second night in a row, according to Syria’s official news agency SANA.

The media outlet reported that Syria’s air defenses intercepted the “hostile missiles” over the capital, though the “aggression” managed to cause some material damage. There were no immediate reports of injuries in the strike.

Less than 24 hours earlier, SANA said that the Israeli military had targeted sites in Damascus, wounding two soldiers and causing material damage.

The Israeli regime frequently violates Syrian sovereignty by targeting military positions inside the country, especially those of the resistance movement Hezbollah, which has played a vital role in helping the Syrian army fight foreign-backed terrorists.

Israel mostly keeps quiet about its attacks on the Syrian territories, which many view as a knee-jerk reaction to the Syrian government’s increasing success in confronting terrorism.

The Tel Aviv regime has been a main supporter of terrorist groups that have battled the government of President Bashar al-Assad since foreign-backed militancy erupted in Syria in early 2011.

Syria has repeatedly complained to the UN over Israeli assaults, urging the Security Council to take action against Tel Aviv’s crimes. The calls have, however, fallen on deaf ears.


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Iran Condemn Israeli Regime Airstrike Palestine

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