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US Congressmen Urge Blinken to Halt UN Probe into Israeli Crimes during War on Gaza

Saturday 29 January 2022
US Congressmen Urge Blinken to Halt UN Probe into Israeli Crimes during War on Gaza

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Alwaght- Forty-two members of the US Congress Called on Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to lead an effort to end a United Nations commission looking into Israeli regime's war crimes against Palestinians.

The bipartisan group, led by pro-Israel Democrat Josh Gottheimer and Republican Vicky Hartzler, in a letter to Blinken said the investigation looking into Israeli war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories reflects a "continued broader bias against Israel", and said the UN should focus its attention elsewhere.

"Please know that while Congress may be divided on the Administration's decision to rejoin the [UN Human Rights Council], we stand united in urging you to act upon the Administration's commitment to defend Israel from discriminatory treatment at the Human Rights Council and throughout the UN system," the letter said.

Last year, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) agreed to launch an investigation with a broad mandate to probe all violations Tel Aviv had committed against Palestinians during its May aggression on besieged Gaza, which killed at least 248 Palestinians including more than 60 children.

The investigators, who have been tasked with trying to identify those responsible for violations with a view to ensure they are held accountable, are due to present their first report in June.

The members of Congress stress that, in addition to the commission's investigation into last year's bloody aggression on Gaza, its mandate will allow for probes into "any allegations against Israel in the past or in the future, whether in the West Bank or Gaza or in all of Jerusalem, and even within the recognized pre-1967 borders of the State of Israel".

The US rejoined the UNHRC in February 2021 after former President Donald Trump withdrew from the organization. Still, Washington has said the council is "flawed" in its criticism of occupying Israeli regime.

The Human Rights Council was founded in 2006 with the aim of "strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights", and consists of 47 countries elected to three-year terms by the UN General Assembly with quotas allocated to each continent.

It has been criticized for the election of members with poor human rights records. But while pro-Israel lawmakers in the US complain that the council unfairly targets Israel, only a fraction of its resolutions in 2020 focused on the Israeli regime.

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US Congress UN Probe Israel War Crimes Gaza

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