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What’s behind New US Military Bases in Syria?

Wednesday 24 February 2021
What’s behind New US Military Bases in Syria?

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Alwaght- In the past few days, Syrian and Iraqi sources reported about commencement of construction of a new US military base in a border triangle of Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. The sources added that a convoy of American forces comprised of tens of trucks carrying construction materials, as well as weaponry and logistics, on Saturday entered Syria’s Ain Diwar village of Derik District in Qamishli through Iraq-Syria Al-Walid border crossing.

Geopolitical Futures website reported that the under-construction base is the newest one hosting the US-led Western coalition in Hasakah, which is controlled by the Syrian Kurds and lies near the Turkish borders.

This report comes as over the past weeks reports talked about removal of the US forces from Tal Allaw to Al-Yaarabya near the Iraqi borders and also establishment of a number of military bases around Ramilan oilfields in northeastern Hasakah. The actions of the new US administration show a change in the foreign policy of the country in Syria compared to the presidency of Donald Trump, and this has made the goals of the American occupiers to establish a new military base in Hasakah province an important issue in the eyes of the political observers.

Derik base: the first tangible step to US military strategy review

The establishment of a new military base in the strategic Deirk region, east of the city of Qamishli, could initially be linked to a review of US political and military strategy. In this regard, the new US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austen has already ordered a complete review of the deployment of US forces around the world.

It is noteworthy that since earlier this year, 11 military convoys of the so-called anti-ISIS western coalition have entered northern Syria. The new American base will be located in the same geopolitical position in the Ain Diwar area northeast of the city of Al-Malikiyah in the Iraq-Syria-Turkey border triangle and in the extreme northeast of Hasakah. The area is close to the recent Turkish military operation field on Iraqi soil in Duhok province.

Setting up this base is of strategic importance in three aspects. First of all, it should be noted that the construction of this military base in the Derik region could establish a barrier to a military confrontation between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)— led by the Democratic Union Party— and Turkey and its military. Second, the base is of significance to Washington in preventing Russian and Syrian forces from advancing toward the border triangle to the village of Ain Diwar. And third, the new base in northern Syria will also allow US forces to respond quickly to regional threats.

US special goals behind new Syria base

Three aims drive the US construction of a new base in Hasakah.

The first goal is driven by the intention to pave the way for its continued presence in region in a way that does not arouse the sensitivity of Iraq and Syria. Washington is well aware that its troops will have no place in the future of Iraq, and according to a resolution of the Iraqi parliament on January 5, 2020; they must leave the country as soon as possible. Therefore, from now on, it seems that the Americans are seeking to establish an alternative base for the transfer of their forces in the areas adjoining the Iraqi border and along Iraqi and Syrian Kurdistan region.

The second goal is to lay the groundwork for the transfer and strengthening of the ISIS terrorist group on the Iraqi-Syrian border. Over the past years, the Americans facilitated ISIS presence on the Iraqi-Syrian borders for political gains and destabilization in the region.

Another goal is to raise bargaining chips in the face of such powerful regional actors in the Syrian crisis as Iran. Continued presence in Syria will consolidate the American position in the whole region and enables the White House to use it as a lever to put strains on its rivals especially Tehran whose activities in Syria are constantly on the rise in Syria.

Moreover, Washington intends to ensure the Syrian Kurds of continued support on the ground to prevent their drift towards cooperation and partnership with the central government in Damascus and also Russia. At the same time, reiteration of commitment to the Israeli interests is another reason the Americans are building new bases in the war-ravaged country. 


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