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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

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A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Aleppo Liberation: Death of Revolution or Terrorism?

Thursday 15 December 2016
Aleppo Liberation: Death of Revolution or Terrorism?

Why Aleppo’s Liberation is being manipulated by Western media

Western media was quick to condemn the liberation of Aleppo at the hands of the Syrian army for political reasons.

Alwaght- Upon hearing the news of Aleppo’s liberation, backers of the so-called revolution in Syria quickly resorted to propaganda to distort the facts.

As the recapturing of the northern Aleppo governorate marks a strategic victory for the Syrian army and its allies, who are fighting against terrorism in Syria, the funders of these groups who were pulling their strings in the media to sway public opinion in their failure were dismayed.

Not only does the liberation of Aleppo provide moral encouragement for the Syrian army, but it also paves the way for advances in other areas. Significantly, Aleppo is a milestone in the Syrian conflict. Losing grip over, means the plot to overtake Syria is not going as should. However, as per custom, whenever military operations fail to bring about the required results, the media weapon is always drawn.

Since the foreign-backed terrorist groups were not able to win this battle, the Syrian army was able to announce its victory. Waging a media campaign against the Aleppo operations is a ploy that aims to divert attention from the progress the government is making as well as misrepresent the facts.

The press reaction that followed the liberation of Aleppo aims at vilifying the forces fighting against terrorism. One may wonder why they would take such measures unless it is to their advantage.

 The Independent covered the news with an article titled:  Aleppo's civilians 'massacred' as Assad forces take back city.

“Aid workers and activists inside embattled east Aleppo have pleaded for the international community to save them from what they say are arbitrary executions of non-combatants by Syrian government forces as the regime finally closes in on the rebel enclave,” the newspaper reported.

Ironically, White Helmets’ appeal lacks credibility considering the previous hoax that the group has been involved in.

Additionally, the Independent, one among countless Western media outlets, were quick to accuse the government of targeting civilians amid fears for their lives, suggesting that these civilians had been safe under al-Nusra’s control. Why haven’t we read about this organization’s threat on the civilians of Aleppo instead? How come the defeat of an al-Qaeda branch in Syria being regarded as a pitiful outcome of the operations that will lead to a humanitarian crisis as if its presence were better than having Syrian territory in the hands of the Syrian government?

Meanwhile, the Huffington Post detailed in a report Labour MPs’ condemnation of Morning Star Newspaper’s reporting on Aleppo, specifically for callings its liberation a “liberation.”

Ironically, the defeat of al-Nusra and its likes—terrorist organizations that pose a threat to the entire world with their extremist ideology— is being portrayed as the “death of a revolution.” However, a revolution cannot possibly be dead if it had never been alive to begin with. What has been termed a “revolution” in Aleppo were the activities of foreign-funded armed groups, largely committing crimes against humanity. These activities are not acts of “revolution” but rather acts of “terrorism.”

What Western media has failed to show are the street celebrations upon hearing the news of Aleppo’s liberation. Residents of the province were thrilled to learn about the militants’ defeat. However, the “arrogance” of the West has been standing in the way of an ascent to defeat, instead using war propaganda in a bid to undermine its opponents’ victory.



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Aleppo Syria liberation media revolution terrorism

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