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How ISIS deceives Youth to Attracts them

Tuesday 24 February 2015
How ISIS deceives Youth to Attracts them

Alwaght-Since its inception, "Terrorist" groups relied on media discourse. In the beginning, media discourse took place on mosque pulpits, but later on it turned to media platforms "Terrorist" websites.

Al Qaeda was first among those groups who invested in media discourse, and marketing their speeches and activities on “Al-Jazeera” and the “CNN”.

But, the new terrorist who appeared later on in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi caliphate, take the lead on social communication means namely Twitter and Facebook and the using Google applications.

What raises more questions is that these applications and activities are run on Western servers, especially American ones, and with the knowledge and information of the US National Security Agency.

Snowden once revealed that the US National Security Agency and the FBI have the ability to have direct access to nine of the major US internet central servers companies through a highly classified program called "Prism" which could extract sound recordings, pictures, photos, e-mails, documents and records of a contact.

The first media appearance of this organization back in 2012 was clear across social networking sites. "ISIS" depends very much on the media and intensifies media campaigns efficiently using modern technology, although he asks his communities to return to the Islamic way of life in1400 years ago.

ISIS uses the “Al-Furqan” web site besides social networks, but the attention paid by the media to the details of their activities expanded its prevalence, especially in the Western countries and Europe.

ISIS’s speech is directed to youth generation, who can easily and flexibly use technical applications on computers and smart phones. The dissidents from ISIS revealed that ISIS does not allow the foreigners to get involved the fighting on the ground, rather benefits from them in the rear lines and logistical support, particularly in the media and advertising.

ISIS terrorist group focuses on showing brutality, rebellion, and domination, which are sometimes seen as the needs for some young people who suffer from feeling of marginalization, whether real or imagined where they find in ISIS as a way to take revenge.

High credibility and quality news agencies such as CNN, Reuters and AFP, played an important role in the publication of ISIS’s activities.  As an example, the Arab and Western Media exaggerated the fact that ISIS terrorists own aircrafts, which he had gained from Al-Jarah Airport in Aleppo and Al-Tabaqa Air Force base in Al- Raqa. The Media showed in video footage ISIS terrorists flying inside the base or maintaining the aircrafts. Although experts in the aerospace, defense and armaments stated that these aircraft are junk in the Air Force market, and that these aircrafts are nothing more than training aircrafts, and more importantly that these aircrafts in order to fly need radars and a technical team on the ground which is not available. But, the event took up more space on the media than it deserves, and this work raised the morale of the ISIS terrorists and attracted new fighters.

The terrorist group showed a romantic side on its social network despite its brutality, and this is by recruiting some girls and women – among which are minors – to fight with ISIS terrorist group after being involved in love relationships on the network. Some of them reported the story of enrollment in the terrorist group and how they lived a romantic love story with ISIS fighters. This played a major role in recruiting more through the social network.

Among these deceived young girls is a Dutch teenager, Monique. According to RT, her mother has pulled off a daring rescue mission to free her daughter from her jihadist "lover" in Syria. Dutch police warned her not to go, but she went to ISIS-controlled Raqqa, found her daughter and brought her safely to Turkey.

ISIS displays its fighters in a relaxed situation, performing their daily routines like the rest of people within luxurious houses and palaces, accompanied with their families, unlike the first generation of Al-Qaeda fighters who lived in the caves of “Tora Bora Mountains”. Despite the brutality characterizing ISIS fighters, they are displayed in a comfortable setting, wearing the Islamic custom, and well-cared for. It also displays the spoils of war which are presented as gains to its fighters such as the luxurious vehicles and cars.

European Union countries, especially in France and Germany, intelligence reports revealed that social networks continues to specialize to direct or target particular slide such as women, concerned with the recruitment of women from Europe to join ISIS in Syria.

According to the Independent, back in 2014, Hans-Georg Maassen, head of Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency, said young people are attracted into joining, ISIS because they find the organization "more authentic" than al-Qaida or even its affiliate, the Jabhat al-Nursa.

"Al Qaeda fades besides the Islamic State when it comes to brutality," Maassen said.

ISIS militants in Iraq have created slave markets, trading and selling women and children of Christian and Yazidi groups, according to UN investigators.

At least 2,500 women and children have been imprisoned, sexually abused and sold for around $10 each by ISIS slavers.

The slave markets in the al-Quds area of Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria have been used as a way of attracting new recruits to ISIS, the UN said according to a Times report.

Moreover, ISIS terrorists fighting in Syria are seeking to attract more foreign recruits by opening two English-language schools in the terror group's de facto capital city.

Activists working undercover in the ISIS stronghold Raqqa uncovered plans for two schools - one for boys and one for girls - where most lessons will be taught in English, not the local Arabic dialect.

The plans are just ISIS' latest attempt to build establish a fully-functioning state within the vast swathes of Syria and Iraq, it controls through a campaign of rape, massacre and brutal oppression.

The recruitment process is not completely on behalf of ISIS itself, Saudi and Turkey, not only fund them and train them, they do also provide them with militants.

Back in 2012, revealed an official and classified Saudi document reveals that the government of Saudi releases its most dangerous prisoners who are sentenced to death under the condition that they take part in the attempted subversion in Syria.

In the same contest, in September 2012 PRESS TV and AL Alam journalist Maya Naser was killed by snipers in Damascus, when he reported from the scene of two bomb blasts in Damascus. According to reliable sources the snipers have been positioned two hours before the blasts. It is highly probable that the targeting of Maya Naser and the timing was no coincidence.

During the week prior to his assassination, Maya Naser was investigating Turkey´s forced use of prisoners. Naser began his investigation; after it transpired that several of the killed or captured insurgents in Syria were convicts who, according to their sentences should be incarcerated in Turkish prisons. Naser had copies of several passports to substantiate the claim.

It is clear that ISIS is trying to take advantage and invest all that is available to promote its image. It started by meeting the needs of a lot of the new “jihadis” who refuse to live naturally in their communities. It is a media policy based on polarization. But, nonetheless, the terrorist group is expected to witness dissents and organizational decline.  

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