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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


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Millions of Yemenis Rallied, Voiced Support for Supreme Political Council

Saturday 20 August 2016
Millions of Yemenis Rallied, Voiced Support for Supreme Political Council

Alwaght- Millions of Yemenis have rallied to show their strong support for a political body recently formed to run the country and to confront Saudi aggression against their country.

Huge gathering of people took to the streets of capital city of Sana’a before converging on a main square to support the Supreme Political Council, formed after the failure of recent peace talks with the Saudi side.

Supporters of the newly formed Supreme Political Council waved national Yemeni flags and chanted slogans like “We will sacrifice our souls and blood for the sake of Yemen,” as patriotic songs played.

They also carried placards with messages reading, “Reforms are the most efficient popular force in the face of enemies” in an apparent reference to Saudi Arabia and former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Hadi resigned as president in January 2015 and then fled to Saudi Arabia that launched a ferocious military campaign against neighboring Yemen two months later in order to restore power to its ally, Hadi.

The formation of the Supreme Political Council prompted Yemen’s parliament to hold its first session earlier this month since the outbreak of Saudi-led coalition's military campaign. The members of the Yemeni parliament endorsed the new council and officially stripped Hadi of any responsibility.

The Supreme Political Council was formed on 28 of July by Ansarullah Movement and the General People's Congress to rule Yemen. On 6 August, Saleh Ali al-Sammad became president.


Saudi raids on Yemen continue

Parliament’s decision has evoked Saudi Arabia to step up its airstrikes on Yemen, especially the capital Sana'a.

On Saturday, Saudi aircrafts launched separate aerial attacks on the Baqim, Saqayn and As Safra districts in the northern Sa’adah province, as well as Usaylan district of the Shabwah province, leaving an unspecified number of civilians dead or injured.

Also, in the northern Sana’a Province, Saudi jets attacked the Arhab district, leaving at least three people dead.

Elsewhere, in the Lawdar district of the southern Abyan province, pro-Hadi militiamen opened fire on a car at a security checkpoint, killing a civilian and injuring three others.

Two Yemeni civilians were also killed and three others injured in Saudi strikes against the Harf Sufyan district of the northwestern Amran province.

Yemen has seen almost daily military attacks by Saudi Arabia since late March 2015, with internal sources putting the toll from the bloody aggression at about 10,000.

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Yemen Supreme Political Council Rally Saudi Arabia

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