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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Islamic Awakening

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A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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2 Security Forces, 3 Terrorists Killed in Iran’s Chabahar Terror Attack

Thursday 4 April 2024
2 Security Forces, 3 Terrorists Killed in Iran’s Chabahar Terror Attack

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Terrorist Attack in Iran’s Chabahar Leaves Two Dead

Pakistani Security Forces Arrest Jaish-Ul-Adl Ringleader

Alwaght- At least two security forces have been killed in an attack on security and military sites in Chabahar and Rask cities south of Iran, according to Fars News Agency.

3 of the terrorists were killed in shooting that was active for hours. 

The attacks took place in late Wednesday against the headquarters in question in Rask and Chabahar Counties, which are located in the southern part of the province, IRNA reported.

Jaish al-Adl, a terror organization sheltering in Pakistan and backed by Israeli and Western intelligence agencies in opposition to the Iranian interests, claimed responsibility for the attacks. 

Alireza Mathemati, governor of Sistan and Baluchestan province, told IRNA that situation is under control. 

The attacked headquarters belonged to the security forces and also the IRGC. One of the IRGC facilities that were attacked is a naval post. 

"Thanks to the preparedness of the military and law enforcement forces, the assailants were confronted with,” he said, noting that several attackers had been either killed or injured during the confrontation.

"Confrontation and shooting has ended and the Corps’ forces are engaged in purging the area,” Tasnim news agency reported.

A number of the terrorists, meanwhile, tried to enter the headquarters by detonating explosives. “Their attempt was, however, frustrated as a result of heavy fire opened on them on the part of the Corps’ forces,” the report noted.

Updates by the Fars News Agency have said that the security forces have began a search operation to arrest the assailants that have fled the clash scene.

Who are Jaish al-Adl? 

Jaish al-Adl is terrorist outfit that was formed in 2012 in opposition to Iran and is backed by foreign intelligence, on top of them CIA and Mossad. 

The terror group has since launched a number of attacks on the Iranian civilians and security and military forces, mainly border guards. 

The group hits and runs to its Pakistan bases, where is it believed to arm and coordinate attacks with its backers. 

The group also in 2013 kidnapped five Iranian border guards and killed one of them. 

In 2019, it attacked a bus carrying IRGC personnel near the city of Zahedan, killing 27 and injuring 13. 

It also killed 11 police forces in an attack on a police station in Rask in January, drawing a missile response from the IRGC against its positions inside Pakistan. 

Who is supporting it? 

There is little doubt that wherever there are anti-Iranian groups or activities, the Western and Israeli intelligence services can be tracked. 

The terror group rose from the ashes of Jundullah, a terror group that was active in Sistan and Baluchestan and whose arrested members admitted they were trained by Israeli and American officers in Pakistan and elsewhere. 

A look at the officially stated goals of this group shows that some special missions are intended for this group. In addition to the fact that this group stated in its manifesto that one of its strategic goals is to overthrow the Islamic Republic, it also stated its tactical goals to disturb the stability inside Iran and break Iran's hegemony in the current conditions of the region. These two goals are where this group meets the West and Israel against Iran. 

There is no doubt that the bases of this group are not unaccessible to the Pakistan government, but under the US pressures, Islamabad has taken no measures so far to remove the group from its soil. 

The group has a strong media support of the Persian-language news outlets including the BBC Persian and Iran International, a news network now funded by Israel and is running a filthy propaganda against Tehran. 

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Iran Chabahar Terrorist Attack Jaish al-Adl Mossad

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