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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Russia Lashes Out at America for Supporting the ISIS in Syria

Monday 5 January 2015
Russia Lashes Out at America for Supporting the ISIS in Syria

Alwaght- Russia has lashed out at America for having patronized the ISIS terrorist group to grow into demonic proportions. Russia‘s chief of General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, on Wednesday lashed out at America for being responsible in providing financial and technical assistance to the ISIS terrorist group in Syria and elsewhere in the past .

The Russian general was speaking at a meeting of foreign military attaches in Moscow. Gerasimov correlated the rise of the ISIS terrorist group with “Western interference in the region”. He said America and some “leading Western countries” had been seeding “disastrous consequences” in a number of countries, including Libya and Syria. Their game of overthrowing the legitimate authorities in those states has endangered deeper instability in the region, reported RFEL news .

The Russian military head said it was the agenda of Washington and European for a regime change in Syria that created the current turmoil. He said America and allies were “pumping foreign aid to terrorist groups, and applying international political and media pressure on the Syrian leadership .”

Free Syria Is Terror Group

Echoing the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Gerasimov said there can be no distinction between the ISIS terrorist group and Syrian armed opposition groups including the Free Syrian Army. He said Moscow’s position is that all armed opposition groups in Syria are illegal terror groups. Russia has been a strong ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and had been opposing efforts of America and allies to arm anti-Assad groups like Free Syrian Army .

Gerasimov noted that there were “up to 70,000 militants of various nationalities” fighting with ISIS terrorist group. The rapid growth of ISIS terrorists would not have been possible without the financial and technical assistance provided by America to fight and topple the Syrian government. The Russian general described the air strikes by Washington and allies in Syria and Iraq as inadequate and ineffective. He also expressed doubts about a hidden agenda behind the recent White House statements, harping on the need for a ground war to crush the ISIS terrorist group .

Baby Of West

Meanwhile, “End Times” broadcaster Rick Wiles also aired suspicion that there is an American hand behind the rise of ISIS terrorist group. He said it is hard to believe that coalition had carried out 1,000 airstrikes against ISIS terrorists. In his blog at the Right Wing Watch, he said, “I seriously doubt the theory that ISIS is being attacked because it is the creation of Western intelligence agencies and I will not be surprised to find the Israeli Mossad also having its hands in the creation of ISIS    .”

Source: GlobalResearch

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