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Iran Marks Islamic Republic Day

Sunday 31 March 2024
Iran Marks Islamic Republic Day

Alwaght- Today Iran is marking Islamic Republic Day, the day Iranians voted on March 31, 1979, in a referendum to approve of Islamic Republic to become their official political system.

Known in the Persian Callender as 12 Farvardin, the day marks the official abolishment of 2,500 years of monarchy in Iran.

The day also marked official end of the pro-Western Pahlavi monarchy that ruled Iran for nearly 6 decades. 

The Islamic Republic Day is an important holiday in Iran, which highlights the country's political and cultural identity, and celebrates its achievements and aspirations as a nation.

In this day, people took to the voting stations to choose their new political system, less than two months after the Leader of Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini returned to Iran and announced victory of the revolution. 

On the 12th of Farvardin 1358 (March 31, 1979), the maximum participation of the people proved the will of the Islamic Iranian people in pride, freedom, and independence.

On the day, Iranians voted yes to the establishment of an Islamic Republic in the country, and their commitment and vigilance based Iran’s political system on Islam. 

Iran made its choice for Islamic Republic while at the time the world countries were slices of two poles: Capitalism or Socialism backed by the West and Soviet Union. 

The day since then was identified as a reflection of the national Iranian will for independence and self-determination. 

The referendum to choose the type of political system was held despite the fact that a majority of the people of Iran were in favor of Islamic politics and political system after decades of Pahlavis' submission and dependence to the West. 

Through this referendum Imam Khomeini actually brought about a new type of ruling: Religious democracy; "a divine gift that was awarded to the Iranian nation by the late founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini" as described by Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei. 

On this day 98.2% of the Iranian people voted for a change in the political system of their country. After enduring years of secular political systems and various monarchies, Iranians voted for a political system that was consistent with Islamic beliefs. This new political system did not push away religion but rather embraced it.

The Islamic Republic Day set in motion an all new policy to Iran under Islamic Republic, a policy of total national independence at a time the world nations are struggling with neo-colonialism of the West. 

By electing an Islamic Republic, Iranians also chose to be free of any unhealthy affiliations and attachments to the West. In addition, they voted and fought for the independence of their country. As a result, Iran is now an independent country. 

The Islamic Republic initiated a new Iran that decided to build its power not based on the Western help but national will. Since then, Iran has walked a long way, presenting itself as a regional power and an international game-changer. 

The West has done more than enough of plots to destroy the current political system in Iran, but it only met its failure as popular support to Islamic Republic remains the defining feature of this political system despite all challenges, mainly in economy. Provoking Saddam's war and backing terror and separatist organizations to home riots and tough economic sanctions are all conspiracies the West has done over the past 45 years. 

Despite all the challenges, Iran remains on the track the Islamic Republic Day set for it over four decades ago. 

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Iran Islamic Republic Day Referendum Imam Khomeini Leader Independence

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