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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Yemen, Iran Hold Mass Protests in Support of Gaza

Friday 29 March 2024
Yemen, Iran Hold Mass Protests in Support of Gaza

Alwaght- Massive marches took place in the Iranian city of Mashhad on Friday morning in support of the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza and in condemnation of the Israeli occupation's crimes, Al Mayadeen's correspondent in Iran reported.

Protesters raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the opening of border crossings to allow humanitarian aid to enter.

Participants in the march also condemned international silence and the failure of international organizations to address the ongoing Israeli war crimes in Gaza, affirming that the United States and some European countries are complicit with the occupation army in the massacres committed against the Palestinians in recent months.

Yemen stands with Gaza

Massive morning demonstrations took place today, Friday, in several Yemeni provinces under the title that Palestine is the Yemeni people's primary cause in support of the resilience and resistance of the Palestinian people amid the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

A joint statement released by the demonstrators warned against any upcoming American or British aggression on Yemen.

The statement asserted that any such aggression would be met with resolute resistance from hundreds of determined Yemeni fighters.

Emphasizing a pivotal shift in global dynamics, Yemeni demonstrators conveyed a clear message to the US, UK, and Western powers, declaring an end to the era of subjugating nations.

Concluding the statements, Yemeni demonstrators pledged unwavering solidarity with Gaza and Palestine, highlighting their commitment through an imminent general mobilization in support of the paramount Palestinian cause.

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation forces pursue their genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, for the 175th day in a row, via airstrikes, artillery shelling, and fire belts, while committing bloody massacres against civilians.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced earlier today that the Israeli occupation committed 7 massacres in the Strip in 24 hours only, killing 71 and injuring 112. This brings the total number of Palestinians killed since the Israeli aggression on Gaza started on October 7 to 32,623, in addition to 75,092 injuries.


Source: Al-Mayadeen

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Iran Yemen Rallies Gaza Israel Massacre

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