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Two New Warships Join IRGC Navy

Monday 19 February 2024
Two New Warships Join IRGC Navy

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Alwaght- Two new warships, Shahid (Martyr) Ali Sayyad Shirazi and Shahid Hassan Baqeri have officially joined the IRGC's navy.

The launching ceremony was held at the presence of the Chief of General Staff of Iranian Armed Forces General Mohammad Baqeri.

The catamarans were launched in Bandar Abbas in the south, the home of the largest naval bases.

Catamarans are a type of multihull vessel characterized by having two parallel hulls. They are known for their stability and speed. 

The warships are stealth and are from Shahid Suleimani class of ocean liners that were unveiled last year. 

The speed of this warships reaches 60 kilometers per hour, which can maintain this speed in different weather conditions. 67 meters long, 20 meters wide and 60 tons of weight are other features of this vessel and it has 4 engines.

Iran has been advancing its naval power both at the army and the IRGC. 

Iran's Supreme Leader calls navy the "strategic force" when referring to it, saying that the navy should advance to become a leading power compared to other countries countries.

Iran has made major progress in naval force in recent years.

Just last week, the IRGC fired its first ballistic missile from a warship, marking a new stage in the nation's voyage to become a key naval force.

The launch from the Shahid Mahdavi during naval manoeuvres involved firing two ballistic missiles capable of striking targets up to 1,700 kilometres (1,050 miles) away.

"The firing of a long-range ballistic missile from the warship was successfully carried out," IRGC chief Hossein Salami said. 

Also at the same time, the IRGC navy tested vertical missile launch from a "tactical boat" in the Persian Gulf. The missile was fired at drone and successfully shot it down. 

The IRGC also on January 6 took delivery of 100 homegrown vessels capable of launching missiles. 

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Iran IRGC Navy Warship Shahid Suleimani Catamaran

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