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National Interest: America Engaged in Self-Made and Endless Wars

Wednesday 7 February 2024
National Interest: America Engaged in Self-Made and Endless Wars

The strategies of Washington in the West Asian region have proven ineffective. The deployment of US forces in the area has not alleviated tensions or fostered stability and safety; instead, it has heightened regional conflict. Washington ought to conclude its unfocused military involvements with resistance forces in West Asia and deport American troops.

According to The National Interest, US engagement has drawn Washington into regional wars all over the Middle East, from Gaza to Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq. Washington's backing of the Israeli regimes attack against Gaza is the cause of this. Israel began fierce attacks against Gaza on October 7, 2023. This war has claimed the lives of more than 26,000 Palestinians, almost 70% of them were women and children. In addition, 90% of Gaza's population is now displaced, and the threat of sickness and starvation is growing every day.

The demise of the Hamas movement is the stated objective of the assault on the Gaza Strip, according to the Israeli regimes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Still, Hamas's military and political capacities have generally survived Israel's fierce attacks; US estimates place the number of damaged or made unusable Hamas tunnels across the Gaza Strip between 20 and 40 percent. Subsequently, there's no indication that the Hamas movement will disappear anytime soon.

Internal conflicts within the Zionist regimes ruling elite are becoming worse by the day, and Israel has not even been able to liberate the hostages that are still being held by Hamas forces. A number of high-ranking Israeli military officials have openly declared that Israel's two-pronged military offensive in Gaza—liberating hostages and eliminating Hamas—cannot coexist.

Families of Israeli hostages are losing their patience with Netanyahu. They are intensifying pressure on his government to enter negotiations with Hamas and secure the release of the hostages. Israeli Defense Minister Gadi Eisenkot has also advocated for a ceasefire, recognizing that prolonged conflict decreases the likelihood of the hostages' survival.

The Zionist regimes approach to the Gaza situation, marked by systematic destruction and displacement, lacks a coherent long-term political strategy. Netanyahu's rejection of a two-state solution leaves endless warfare as the sole apparent option.

The Israeli military's operations beyond Gaza have far-reaching consequences. The risk of escalation in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict in Lebanon is escalating. Regular occurrences of airstrikes, artillery bombardments, and missile exchanges characterize the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel has recently heightened its rhetoric against Hezbollah and indicated preparedness to open a new front in Lebanon. However, similar to the Gaza situation, Israel faces the challenge of lacking clear and attainable political objectives in the event of a conflict in Lebanon.

Tel Aviv isn't alone in initiating military offensives without clear and attainable political objectives. The Biden administration, led by the President of the United States, has also heightened its military footprint in the Middle East and conducted multiple strikes against resistance forces since October 7. Biden has repeatedly stated that military actions are aimed at deterrence and increasing stability throughout the region, oblivious to the fact that such goals cannot be achieved through military aggression.

In Iraq and Syria, resistance forces have retaliated against Washington's backing of Israel's Gaza campaign by striking US forces more than 160 times, resulting in injuries to at least 83 individuals. This occurs as US forces remain stationed in Iraq and Syria without defined goals, making them vulnerable to attacks by resistance forces.

In the southern region of Yemen, the Yemeni forces have executed more than 30 drone and missile strikes targeting commercial vessels in the Red Sea as a reaction to the Zionist regimes military actions in Gaza. Consequently, the US has launched several strikes against Yemeni forces, with reports indicating that the Biden administration is gearing up for extensive military actions in Yemen. Once again, the objective behind these ongoing US operations remains unclear; they pose a threat to the fragile ceasefire between Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni forces, attained after nine years of destructive conflict, and could worsen the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Biden recognizes the inconsistency between military actions and their intended outcomes. When questioned about the US airstrikes targeting Yemeni forces, his response was clear: Will these strikes halt the Yemeni forces? No; Will they persist in their attacks? Yes.

The truth is, Washington's strategies in the Middle East have fallen short. The presence of US troops in the region hasn't eased tensions or fostered stability and safety; instead, it has heightened regional strains. Washington ought to terminate its purposeless military involvements with resistance factions in the Middle East and recall American troops.

Additionally, there should be increased endeavors to secure a ceasefire and prevent further loss of innocent lives in Gaza. As long as the Gaza conflict persists, de-escalation remains elusive, paving the way for broader-scale conflict in the Middle East.

Engaging in warfare without distinct political objectives only amplifies hostilities. Both the Zionist regime of Israel and the United States have plunged into conflicts devoid of tangible prospects for achieving their declared aims. The window to avert the Gaza conflict and regional clashes, which endanger Washington's interests and have extensive repercussions, is narrowing.

Tags :

National Interest United States Washington West Asia Middle East resistance forces Yemen Iraq Syria Lebanon Zionist regime Israel Palestine Gaza Hamas Gadi Eisenkot two-state solution Hezbollah Tel Aviv Biden

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