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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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America's Role in the Rise of Extremism in the West Asia

Monday 20 October 2014
America's Role in the Rise of Extremism in the West Asia

Alwaght-Shireen Hunter, a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, believes that the longstanding U.S. policy of not engaging Iran and working to contain its influence in the Middle East has in fact contributed to rising sectarian tensions and extremism in the region.

 In a note published in, she describes Washington’s hostility towards Iran as one of the main reasons behind the formation of ISIS terrorist groups.  She believes that "the America and other Western countries failed to foresee the emergence of ISIS terrorist group", because of their "persistent tendency to treat any anti-Iranian movement or idea in the Middle East as either good or the lesser evil compared to dealing with Tehran".  However, some military and intelligent analysts claim that not only America and its allies were not unaware of ISIS terrorist group's formation, but also they have armed, trained, and funded this brutal group by the help of their regional allies, particularly Saudi regime, and Turkey.    

"The first Western mistake followed the end of the Iran-Iraq war… the United States chose to put all of its eggs into Saddam Hussein’s basket and adamantly refused to acknowledge his many transgressions—against Iraq’s neighbors and own people—until his fateful 1990 invasion of Kuwait."  Hunter writes.

Hunter remarks that Iran "managed to secure Iran’s neutrality in Persian Gulf War…  [Iran] also secured the release of the last of the Western hostages held in Lebanon.  Yet, instead of encouraging the moderate political trends in Iran, the US under President George H. W. Bush embarked on a policy of containing Iran (soon to be replaced by the Clinton administration’s “dual containment” policy, which was then followed in 1996 by Congress’ enactment of the first oil sanctions against Iran".  She adds, "This policy of containment was first announced during a trip to Central Asia in 1992 by then-Secretary of State James Baker who declared containing Iran’s influence in the region would constitute a major goal of US policy."

According to her America, guided by this objective, not only has imposed backbreaking sanction upon Iran, but also, "bought into Pakistan’s argument that the Taliban would constitute a credible barrier to Iran’s influence in Afghanistan and, through it, in Central Asia as well.  Hence, Washington did not object to Pakistan’s arming and promoting the Taliban, a step that eventually led to the fall of the Afghan government of Burhaneddin Rabbani and Ahmad Shah Masood, two leaders who supported a version of Islam far more moderate than that of the Taliban.  It is forgotten today that the Afghan civil war began with attacks by the Pakistan-based and more radical Islamists, first through Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and, when Islamabad judged him to be too difficult to control, through the Taliban."

"Even after the 1998, al-Qaeda bombings of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, followed by the 9/11 attacks and the US invasion of Afghanistan, Washington continued to rely on Pakistan as its key regional partner.  Despite massive US aid, Islamabad actively—if covertly—undermined US strategies in Afghanistan, while it scorned Iran’s offers to help stabilize the country," Hunter writes.

 According to Shireen Hunter, "When Iran actively helped the US both to oust the Taliban and facilitate the transition that followed, it was rewarded by President George W. Bush with membership in the “axis of evil," paving the way for new and ever more punitive sanctions.

Hunter ,pointing to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq says, "Fearful that Iran might become the unintended beneficiary of the Ba’ath regime’s removal, Washington essentially stood by as its regional Sunni allies worked to undermine the fledgling Shia-led government in Baghdad not only by denying its aid and formal diplomatic recognition, but also, in the case of some Persian Gulf states, encouraging and supporting the burgeoning Sunni insurgency, including al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which did not hesitate to attack US personnel, as well as their Shia brethren. Ironically if predictably, Washington’s policy of ignoring Sunni extremists forced Iraq’s Shia government to move closer to Iran."

History has proved that American officials suffer from lack of political perception, which makes them unable to understand and analyze events happening around them.  Hunter says, "the unanticipated insurgency and the increasing sectarian violence that it fostered also derailed hopes by the Bush administration—especially its neoconservative faction—that its “success” in Iraq would lead to “regime change”—either through destabilization or an actual attack—as well.  At the same time; however, the administration bought into the idea that the increasingly sectarian nature of the conflict could also be used to curb Iran’s influence, notably by forging a de facto alliance between Israel and the Sunni-led states against Tehran and what Jordan has King Abdullah ominously called the “Shia Crescent”.  Of course, not only did Washington’s acceptance and even promotion of this idea contribute to rising sectarian tensions and extremism throughout the region, but it also failed to produce any progress toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Once again, rather than working with Iran to stabilize Iraq, which would have required exerting real pressure on its Sunni allies that were supporting the insurgency, containing Iran’s influence remained Washington’s overriding priority.

It was in this context that the so-called Arab Spring blossomed and, with it, renewed hopes in Washington to reshape the Middle East, if not by achieving 'regime change' in Iran, then at least by weakening its regional influence, particularly in the Levant.  Even as the Obama administration publicly depicted the movement as the dawn of open and democratic societies, its closest regional partners—to which Washington had so often and so counter-productively deferred in Iraq—saw it as a way to redress the region’s strategic balance that had been upset by the 2003 invasion and the empowerment of Iraq’s Shia majority."

As the movement progressed from Tunisia and Egypt to Libya and the (thwarted) pro-democracy movement in Bahrain, the Persian Gulf states and Turkey seized the opportunity to overthrow Shiite government of Syria, which they see as their enemy.  Shireen Hunter states, "They led the charge against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, Iran’s the most important regional ally.  While, the US and much of the West were not far behind.  Predictably, however, in its desire to see Assad overthrown and Iran weakened, the US and its allies largely ignored the steadily growing influence of groups such as al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra, and similar foreign-backed Sunni extremist groups whose violence toward Syrian Shias, Alawites, and Christians has been exceeded only by AQI’s successor, ISIS terrorist group.  Thus, for the past 25 years or more, the West—especially America—has made containing Iran its overriding priority in the Persian Gulf and has too often seen the Wahhabi/Salafi version of Islam and its violent offshoots as an effective counterweight to Iranian influence.  In doing so, it has unintentionally helped create monsters like Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, and now Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi."

Hunter criticizes America and its western allies saying that "While the Western powers do not have a clear vision of what kind of Middle East they want and even less how to achieve it, ISIS terrorist group, al-Qaeda, and al-Nusra have their own regional plans, based on ethnic and sectarian cleansing as we have already seen in both Syria and Iraq."

She invites American officials to be more realistic saying that, "In short, until America and the West admit at least to themselves that they have made mistakes in the region in the last few decades, particularly in their efforts to isolate and weaken Iran, and learn from those mistakes and change course, their efforts at defeating extremism and stabilizing the region are bound to fail."

At end, the writer draws the conclusion that "the West cannot get all that it desires in the region, because political engineering has its limits.  But if it embarks on a strategy of conflict resolution—fostering regional cooperation, instead of fighting it; and promoting compromise instead of complete capitulation by Iran or any other local power—its interests and those of the region will be better served. Until such a strategy is adopted and seriously implemented; however, every day that passes will make it that much harder to end the violence in the Middle East and encourage compromise and reconciliation.  The same is equally true for the regional players.  By pursuing maximalist goals, they will all end up losers."

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