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Biased Judgment: West Turning Blind Eye to Ukraine War Crimes

Sunday 25 December 2022
Biased Judgment: West Turning Blind Eye to Ukraine War Crimes

Alwaght- There are many pieces of evidence that the Ukrainian forces have committed war crimes during war against Russia. What is so significant now is that how Kiev would react to these war crimes. 

Since the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, there have been claims about Ukrainian forces committing war crimes against the Russian captives. 

A report by Amnesty International emphasizes that Ukraine’s military tactics have put civilians at risk. Footages have since emerged showing that Ukrainian soldiers may have executed Russian officers in the town of Makiivka. In 2019, even before the start of the war, the International Criminal Court (ICC) declared that Ukrainian forces had committed possible war crimes against Russian soldiers in eastern Ukraine. 

Reacting to the footages that showed possible war crimes by its forces, Ukraine announced it would launch a probe. Still, Ukraine said it mainly investigates Russian war crimes. In other words, Ukraine probes the crimes of the Russian soldiers who deceived the Ukrainian forces by pretending to surrender. This was the reason the Russians were killed, Kiev suggested. However, nobody said when the possible Ukraine war crimes will be probed. 

“It is important at present that Ukraine allows an impartial investigation, said Kenneth Roth, former director of Human Rights Watch, adding: “An investigation into war crimes is needed.” 

Nobody investigates Ukraine war crimes 

To investigate the war crimes, Kiev’s international partners should make it clear that the criminal and humanitarian laws apply to both warring sides, not just one side. But so far Britain, France and Canada have been conspicuously silent on condemning war crimes by Ukraine. Beth Van Schaack, an American expert of war crimes, emphasizes on holding Ukraine accountable and says that the laws of war must apply equally to all sides, and that both the aggressor and the defending state are responsible. All parties to the conflict must comply with international laws, otherwise, they will face the consequences, he continues. 

The Western countries can propose to Ukraine an assistance in the investigation into the claimed crimes committed by its armed forces. But so far no Western country has shown an interest in such inquiry. London, Paris, and Ottawa can send their investigators to Ukraine to probe the charges against its soldiers but they have so far not done so. 

Allies of Ukraine should ask this country to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Ukraine’s membership in the ICC can strengthen efforts to make the country’s government truly accountable. 

Currently, Russia is building its reasons for its military campaign in Ukraine on the Ukrainian war crimes. Ukraine must and has to be willing to investigate its war crimes. Wayne Jordash, a war crimes lawyer who supports investigation into Ukraine war crimes, says that Ukrainian legal officials are highly concerned about Ukrainian war crimes being highlighted. 

Russia: West indifferent to Ukraine war crimes 

Russian Defense Ministry on Friday accused Kiev of committing war crimes and held that the West is indifferent to Ukraine’s crimes. The Defense Ministry reported the execution of more than 10 Russian prisoners of war by Ukraine, accusing Kiev of committing war crimes, which Moscow says the West has ignored. 

The Ministry of Defense cited a graphic video published on social media, which shows the execution of Russian captives. 

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the brutal killing of Russian troops is not the only case and not just a war crime; it is a routine in the Ukrainian armed forces that is actively supported by Kiev regime, and Western backers openly turn a blind eye to it. This comes as Ukraine has repeatedly accused Russia of war crimes, an accusation Moscow has rejected. 

A published video shows Russian soldiers lying on the ground in the Luhansk region after surrendering to apparently Ukrainian armed men. Then the sound of gunfire is heard and the video shows their bodies. About 12 bodies are shown in the video. The time of filming is unclear and it is not known who was the cameraman. 

The Russian Ministry of Defense suggests that the video shows a purposely murder of over 10 Russians by Ukrainian soldiers. The ministry further said that this video depicts the “brutal nature of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and Kiev regime”, adding that “he would be held accountable in the front of court of history and the people of Russia and Ukraine. 

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Ukraine War Crimes Russia Investigation Bias West

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