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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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Over 70 Killed as Terrorists Attack Mosques in Afghanistan

Friday 20 October 2017
Over 70 Killed as Terrorists Attack Mosques in Afghanistan

Aftermath of an attack on a Shi’ite Muslim mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 25, 2017.

At least 70 worshipers have been killed after terrorists attacked two Mosques in Afghanistan on Friday in the capital Kabul and the central Ghor Province.

Alwaght- At least 70 worshippers have been killed after terrorists attacked two Mosques in Afghanistan on Friday in the capital Kabul and the central Ghor Province.

In the Kabul attack, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives among worshippers at a Shiite mosque in the western Dasht-e-Barchi as worshippers gathered for prayers.

A senior security official said the exact number of casualties was unknown but that security forces at the scene had removed at least 39 bodies.

Major-General Alimast Momand, of the interior ministry, has confirmed the death toll people adding 45 worshipers were also injured when the attacker walked into to the Imam Zaman mosque and detonated his explosives.

Friday's second attack at a Sunni mosque occurred in the central province of Ghor.

Iqbal Nezami, a spokesman for the Ghor provincial police, said at least 33 people were killed in the bombing that appeared to target a local leader.

The targeted official was a top local political and military leader of the Jamiat political party in Ghor.

He was killed along with as many as 30 other worshippers, according to a statement from Atta Mohammad Noor, a leading figure in Jamiat and the governor of Balkh province.

Afghanistan's Shiite Muslim population has been heavily hit this year, with at least 84 people killed and 194 wounded in attacks on their mosques and religious ceremonies, according to a UN report released last week.

Among those were at least two attacks on mosques in Kabul in August and September.

The last attack in Kabul happened on September 29 as the faithful prepared to commemorate Ashura, one of the holiest days in the Islamic calendar.

Responsibility for many of the attacks have been claimed by the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group which has established itself in Afghanistan despite the presence of US-led NATO troops in the war-torn country.

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Kabul Ghor Shiite Mosque Terrorist Attack ISIS

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