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Why have the Republicans taken stance against Biden?

Thursday 8 February 2024
Why have the Republicans taken stance against Biden?

Republicans aim to portray Biden's domestic and foreign policy performance as ineffective by linking financial aid to Ukraine with the immigration issue, intending to leverage this against him in future elections.

ALWAGHT- In the remaining time, President Biden is working to strengthen his record on foreign policy and increase his prospects of winning the November elections, but Republican congressional opposition to the White House's plans has drawn swords against him.

Recent debates have primarily revolved around the nature and extent of America's military assistance to foreign allies.

In light of this, Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson declared on Sunday that a group of Republican lawmakers had introduced a bill that would give $17.6 billion in financial aid to Israel while omitting any further funding for Ukraine. Congress will vote on the bill the following week.

According to the Congressional Appropriations Committee, Israel will receive financial support for maintaining its Middle East conflict with Hamas, restocking missile defense systems, acquiring more sophisticated weaponry, and manufacturing artillery ammunition and other essential supplies.

This document indicates a lack of budget allocation for assisting Ukraine, as the Senate concentrates on a bipartisan bill concerning border security and aid packages. The new Senate proposal entails $20.23 billion for America's border security, $60.06 billion in aid to Ukraine, and $14.1 billion in military assistance to the Zionist regime. Despite its scheduled Wednesday vote, the bill faces opposition from conservative Republicans, many of whom have expressed their refusal to support it.

Conversely, the White House has declared its rejection of a bill offering $17.6 billion in aid to the Zionist regime while excluding Ukraine from financial and military support. Karine Jean-Pierre, a White House spokesperson, stated, "Our administration has collaborated for months with bipartisan senators to achieve a national security agreement ensuring border security and backing Ukraine and the Israeli regime. While agreement with representatives is imminent, congressional Republicans have portrayed their latest political maneuver negatively." Pierre emphasized, "While Israel's security is paramount, it shouldn't be politicized. Hence, we vehemently oppose this approach, which neglects border security and fails to aid Ukraine in self-defense."

Despite media attention on Biden's dispute with congressional Republicans over military aid, this year's presidential elections seem to overshadow such divisions, anticipating further clashes between the White House and Congress on domestic and foreign fronts until the elections unfold.

Tension over illegal immigrants

The immigration debate has escalated between Democrats and Republicans in recent years. Republicans are urging the White House to take decisive measures to halt illegal migration across the US-Mexico border, while Democrats argue that severe actions against Latin American asylum seekers could be harmful.

Although the Biden administration and many Democrats have embraced the concept of enforcing immigration border controls, former President Donald Trump and his supporters have criticized proposed measures as inadequate. They contend that current presidents possess ample authority to prevent illegal border crossings but are failing to act. Republicans advocate for the construction of a border wall as the sole effective method to curb illegal immigration, whereas Democrats oppose this strategy. Consequently, immigration remains a pivotal issue in presidential elections.

As reported by CNBC, the government's border proposal, under negotiation for months, seeks to reform the asylum system. This legislation suggests a significant restructuring of immigration policies with stricter and swifter enforcement measures. For instance, if the daily average of illegal migrants surpasses 5,000, local authorities will automatically deport migrants to Mexico without offering asylum opportunities. If this figure reaches 4,000, government agencies can use their authority to deport migrants. Biden has signaled his intent to utilize this power to close borders promptly upon the bill's enactment.

According to reliable sources familiar with the immigration package, this legislation earmarks $18.5 billion to enforce immigration laws, including the recruitment of thousands of new officers for assessing asylum applications and the addition of hundreds of border patrol agents. Of this total, $1.4 billion will be directed towards shelters and services in cities across the United States that have recently experienced an influx of migrants.

Nevertheless, Republicans are intensifying their stance on the immigration issue to exert pressure on the government. Trump, the probable Republican contender against Biden, has initiated a robust campaign against immigration. Republicans are also pursuing the impeachment of senior officials in Biden's border control administration, alleging a lack of precise control over the Mexican border.

Biden’s foreign policy under the microscope

The rift between Republicans and the Biden administration has expanded beyond domestic matters to encompass foreign policy. Among the issues at the forefront of Republican attention is the discussion surrounding financial and military backing for the Zionist regime amidst opposition groups, a topic that has recently taken up a significant portion of US foreign policy discourse.

In November, the House of Representatives greenlit a $14.5 billion military aid package for the Zionist regime, a move that the Senate opted not to endorse. With the Senate largely controlled by Democrats, there's a possibility that they may also refrain from passing the bill this time around.

While Republican efforts for immediate assistance to the Zionist regime have remained consistent across both Democratic and Republican administrations over the past decades, without any discord between the two parties on this matter, it has now evolved into a political instrument on the eve of presidential elections.

Given the Biden administration's assertion that it will only provide aid to the Israeli regime with concurrent approval for financial assistance to Ukraine, Republicans have seized upon this situation. They intend to demonstrate, should the government and Democratic congressional members oppose, to the Jewish lobby that Democrats are against endorsing the Zionist regime. Through this strategy, they aim to sway Jewish capitalists to support the Republican candidate and pave the way for Biden's defeat in the upcoming elections.

The primary distinction revolves around Ukraine

Initially, Republicans were in agreement with Biden's stance towards Russia at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict and supported extensive Western aid to Kyiv to counter their traditional adversary. However, the issue has now evolved into a significant source of disagreement between the two parties. Some Republicans are now opposing further aid requests for Ukraine.

Mike Johnson has consistently stressed the connection between any additional aid to Ukraine and increased control over America's southern borders with Mexico to curb illegal immigration. Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, has echoed similar views. Consequently, Republicans have intertwined the Ukraine aid issue with immigration, recognizing that the Biden administration is unlikely to acknowledge Republican demands. Their goal is to portray Democrats as anti-security and contrary to national interests, seeing potential electoral benefits in such messaging.

The Senate proposal for $60 billion in aid to Ukraine offers Biden an opportunity to restock wartime assistance to Ukraine and bolster his foreign policy credentials in the months leading up to the elections. However, Republicans have disrupted the government's efforts to leverage this opportunity to bolster its public image.

As Congress opposes providing billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, the government has halted shipments of ammunition and missiles to Kyiv. In recent months, the Ukrainian army has found itself in a deteriorating situation, with Kyiv officials issuing daily warnings that without Western assistance, Russia will emerge victorious.

Republicans argue that Biden's handling of the Ukraine situation has been ineffective, evident in Russia's occupation of 15 percent of Ukrainian territory, making efforts to counter Russian advances appear useless. Consequently, they are reluctant to allocate additional billions to a country they believe has little chance of defeating Russia.

The Ukrainian crisis now stands as a significant vulnerability in the Biden administration's foreign policy, poised to become a central theme in the forthcoming election debates between Biden and the Republican contender. Republicans will emphasize it as a notable failure of Biden's governance, despite massive financial aid, to thwart Russian aggression. Trump has vocally criticized Biden's Ukraine strategy, alleging that Democrats have weakened America's national security and global stature.

Republican analysis of the Biden administration extends beyond the Ukrainian crisis to encompass broader foreign policy matters. Following the recent incident of American fighter jets striking resistance force bases in Iraq and Syria in response to the killing of three American soldiers in Jordan, Republicans criticized the timing and effectiveness of the response, perceiving it as inadequate for safeguarding American interests and deterrence.

Current polls suggest Biden's diminished prospects in the upcoming elections, prompting Republicans to link financial assistance to Ukraine with the immigration issue. This tactic aims to highlight Biden's perceived shortcomings in both domestic and foreign policy domains, positioning Republicans to leverage this narrative in the upcoming elections.

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Republicans Democrats Biden Zionist regime Israel Ukraine Kyiv United States Presidential elections Mike Johnson Middle East Palestine Gaza Genocide Hamas Karine Jean-Pierre White House Congress Washington Donald Trump CNBC US-Mexico border Mitch McConnell resistance force Iraq Syria Jordan

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