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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


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US behind All Crises in West Asia: Iran Leader

Tuesday 2 August 2016
US behind All Crises in West Asia: Iran Leader

Alwaght- Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei blamed the US and its oil-rich ally, Saudi Arabia, for either creating problems in west Asia or intensifying them.

Addressing a meeting with thousands of Iranians from different provinces in the Iranian capital, Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei said on Monday that the US played a role in creating and reinforcing Takfiri groups with the aim of sowing discord among Muslim nations and tarnishing the image of Islam.


Takfiri groups

"The Americans claim that they have set up a coalition against Takfiri groups. This is while they are carrying out no effective measure against them and according to some reports, they are even providing these groups with assistance”.

The Leader said “Of course today, Takfiri groups are backfiring on their supporters because as we Iranians say anyone sowing the wind will reap the whirlwind.”


Saudi regime tool at the hands of the US

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Saudi aggression against Yemen and the relentless bombardment of houses, hospitals and schools and the continuous killing of children was " also committed with Americans' weaponry and through their green light,” the Leader pointed out.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the issue of Bahrain and the intervention of a foreign military division, mostly Saudi forces, for cracking down on protesters was another was also supported by the US.

Bahrain hosts US fifth Navy Fleet and Washington has always described the tiny Persian Gulf Island as its strategic ally in the region.

Iran's leader said that Saudi regime is a tool at the hands of the US to secure its interests in the West Asia.

 “Today the Saudi government is in the hands of unwise individuals, but a precise analysis of regional problems reveals that the U.S. has a hand in all these issues.”

Elsewhere, Ayatollah Khamenei said the disclosure of relations between the Saudi government and the Zionist regime is akin to stabbing the Muslim Ummah in the back.

 "This move by the Saudis is a big sin and treachery but the Americans are also complicit in this massive wrong measure because the Saudi government is follower, possessed by and subservient to the American government,” the Leader added.

Stressing that the regional nations are capable of resolving their problems, the Leader reaffirmed that "The US is not trustworthy and sees the Arab governments as a tool to protect the Zionist regime [of Israel] and meet its own hegemonic interests in the region.”

He also emphasized that unity among Muslim nations and states as well as standing up against the hegemonic goals of the US and some European governments are main solutions to resolve regional issues.



The Leader pointed to the backtracking of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on condemning the Saudi atrocities against the Yemeni children and said, “Unfortunately, even when the United Nations seeks to condemn these crimes after a long time, they shut its mouth with money, threats and pressure.”

The UN chief on June 9 strongly criticized Saudi Arabia and its allies for putting “undue pressure” on the world body in order to seek their removal from a blacklist for overwhelmingly violating children’s rights in Yemen.

In his first public remarks about the uproar, Ban said he decided to temporarily take Saudi and some Arab monarchies off the blacklist of children rights violators in Yemen after they threatened to cut off funding UN humanitarian programs.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The disgraced UN secretary general confessed to these pressures, but instead of confession, he should have stepped down, not continue to stay [in his post] and betray humanity."


Turkey failed coup

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the US’s meddlesome and hostile attitude was not limited to the Islamic Republic of Iran, adding: “In the recent issues in Turkey, there is a strong accusation that the [failed July 15] coup had been fomented by the Americans. If this issue is proven that will be a great scandal for the US.”

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Turkey’s good relations with the US as a regional ally, adding: “The Americans are opposed to Islam and Islamism. Therefore, in Turkey where there is Islamism they fomented a coup.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: “Of course this attempt was quelled and the US won hatred in the eyes of Turkish people. Similarly in Iraq, Syria and other spots, the Americans are being weakened.”


Iran nuclear deal

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that Iran’s experience in striking a nuclear agreement with the P5+1 group of countries, including the United States, was a clear example of the enemies’ untrustworthiness.

 "Today, even the diplomatic officials and those who were present in the [nuclear] negotiations reiterate the fact that the US is breaching its promises, and while speaking softly and sweetly [to Iran], is busy obstructing and damaging Iran’s economic relations with other countries,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with thousands of Iranians from several provinces in Tehran on Monday.

On January 16, Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia – plus Germany started implementing the nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), that they had clinched on July 14, 2015.

Under the agreement, all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran by the European Union, the Security Council and the US would be lifted. Iran has, in return, put some limitations on its nuclear activities.

"The JCPOA, as an experience, once again proved the futility of negotiations with the Americans, their lack of commitment to their promises and the necessity of distrust of US pledges,” the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that the JCPOA experience also showed that the solution “for the progress of the country and the improvement of the nation’s living standards is [focusing] attention to existing potentialities in the country, not the enemies who are constantly creating obstacles for Iran in the region and the world.”

The Leader further stressed that the Iranian nation must learn from the experience of the US conduct regarding the JCPOA, adding, “They [the US officials] say come and negotiate [with us] on regional issues as well, but the JCPOA experience tells us that taking this step would be a deadly poison and that the Americans’ remarks cannot be trusted on any issue.”



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Iran Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Iran US SaudiArabia

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