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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


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What Three Levels of US Diplomacy in West Asia?

Wednesday 27 July 2016
What Three Levels of US Diplomacy in West Asia?

Alwaght- These days' developments of West Asia region are indicating an array of different and in some cases conflicting policies of the US-led imperialism. In Bahrain, for example, the country's conditions went tense after the regime revoked citizenship of the top Shiite cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, making the popular protests hitting their climax. The Bahraini ruling family Al Khalifa's efforts to change the demographic structure and intensify the penalties and tortures are happening while the US officials have expressed concern over this county's conditions. In Iraq, a country that is witnessing one of its most difficult times as it fights takfiri terrorism, the US and its allies said that they would provide air cover to the Iraqi army only if Public Mobilization Forces (PMF) are barred from taking part in the liberation operations of big cities like Fallujah and Mosul, and so Washington chose to show miscommitment to the anti-terror policy it claims having as priority. In Turkey in a time that Ankara shifted policies on Syria and showed willingness to cooperate with Russia and Iran to find settlement for the region problems, the coup attempt hit the country. The fingers were pointed at the US, but the White House firmly rejected any involvement in arranging the coup in the country despite the changes in policy Ankara made towards the Resistance Axis in the region. Although the devastating war in Syria started with a US' overt support for anti-government forces, Washington kept its policies in Syria always fluctuating. Washington is now looking forward to gain the Russian content in a bid to form a new coalition. In Lebanon, Elizabeth Richard, the new US ambassador, has ignored Hezbollah's role in preventing ISIS' emergence in Lebanon, saying that her major mission was to mutilate the Islamic resistance. However, she is trying to hide the US' main intentions in Lebanon behind a convenient diplomatic rhetoric. Such paradoxes in American policy are also clearly observable in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

The outcome of these events and developments is ostensibly indicative of the US' disrupted, inconsistent, and even conflicting role in the region. But the reality is certainly in stark contrast to that.

The US has divided its policies in three strategic, tactical, and media categories. The strategic policies actually stand as a foundation of Washington’s objectives, and are rarely changed unless large-scale occurrences take place in the global scene. The second part is the tactical section which at the end of the road secures the US goals. There could be different tactics that are chosen in a forced way in this part but the long-term and essential policies are not affected or ignored, and are moving in line with the strategic policies.

The third type of US policies are the remarks that are made during the meetings, media press conferences, and summits and are not necessarily in accord with the strategic or tactical policies. In fact, the media diplomacy is completely periodic and aims at examining the effects of the other two types of policy. Therefore, the strategic and tactical policies in diplomacy are fundamental, and so the media diplomacy cannot be described as the backbone of the US policies. Thus, firstly, recognition of US strategic policies which stand behind the current developments of the region and are following a unified and coherent pattern, and secondly, spotting and analyzing the tactics which lead to the strategic policies are the most significant issues of diplomacy. Should we seek analyzing the US policies by looking at the American officials' remarks made in the conferences or media, we can make remarkable mistakes in our assessments and the way to deal with the US.

The important point is that the first two forms of policies, namely the strategic and tactical, have a well-defined relation with the third form of policy. Actually, many of US media rhetoric like concerns about human rights in Bahrain or confronting Lebanon’s Hezbollah under the policy of fight against terrorism are deception of the public opinion, hiding the reality, and diverting the public opinion from the major policies.

So, up to now it was made clear that adducing to the Americans' general remarks made in the conferences and media is totally a mistake, and the right way is to track Washington's key policies and their requirements for different regional and international developments.

Today the imperialism is grappling with serious challenges in West Asia. On the one hand it is facing the strong Resistance camp and cannot change its major polices, as it looks for its existence in looting the region's wealth and taking on the political Islam, and on the other hand it must make them over in attractive media platforms in a bid to realize its goals. One of the US' strategic policies is the support offered to specific countries to assure that it can achieve its strategic interests. Forming the Israeli regime and supporting the "kid-killer” Saudi regime are part of activities Washington and its allies do to pave the way for their major policies. These two regimes are now known as the strongest defense lines deterring the possible risks the US faces. All of the plights of the Muslim world and West Asia region originate from the American imperialist policies. But the key policies of the US, using media diplomacy, have raised Tel Aviv and Riyadh as guardians of Washington interests in the region. The media diplomacy goes to great lengths to reverse reality.

As a proxy of the US, Saudi Arabia is bombing the innocent and defenseless Yemeni children and women and so is openly violating the human rights. At the same time it spares no effort to confront Iran as a key supporter of rights of people of the region and the symbol of the political Islam.

The strong bonds of Saudi Arabia and Israeli regime as backbones of the American strategic objectives in West Asia lay bare the fact that all of the recent events in the region, from Bahrain, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria to Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan altogether are taking place with a US' pre-planning and orchestrating and at the hands of these two regimes. In other words, the current occurrences obviously display the American-Israeli-Saudi triangle. Therefore adducing to the sly and false remarks of the American, Saudi, and the Israeli officials should not distract the observers and analysts from the main points. The countries of the region, on the other hand, must constantly show astuteness and readiness to foresee next steps and thus foil success of the imperialist policies.

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US policy is divided in three parts and every part works for the upper part and they work together for securing the final goal.

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